Network Rail Update 14th April 2021
The Network Rail project to repair the railway bridge over the River Avon at Fladbury will start in earnest next Monday 19th April.
The initial stages will see the site equipment/offices/welfare cabins etc. set up in a compound adjacent to the bridge, and a haul road from Sidings Lane in Charlton to the railway bridge will be created.
We have agreed with Network Rail that:
- 5mph signage will be erected on Sidings Lane and vehicles using other tracks will have a similar maximum speed limit
- Currently there is no agreement for the landowner to retain the haul road material, so it will be removed from site at the end of the project
- Whitehouse Farm will be used for HGV deliveries to site, which will include stone deliveries for the haul road and compound
- Sidings Lane will be used by lighter weight vehicles only. A water bowser will be used when necessary to minimise dust pollution
- The footpath at the railway bridge will be closed between 25th May ~ 6th June 2021
- The other footpaths do not come near to the haul road, but signage will be posted around the area to warn pedestrians of possible HGV movements
- Works will commence on the 19 April to install the haul road and set up the compound.
- The haulage company have been briefed on the requirement to drive at no more than 20mph through the villages of Charlton, Cropthorne and Fladbury
The materials for the haul road being constructed during the first couple of weeks of the project will access Charlton from the A46 at Hinton via Haselor Lane, then Boston/Yessell Lanes before accessing the farm tracks via Whitehouse Farm in Ryden Lane. On an ongoing basis, any large heavy deliveries will use Whitehouse Farm as an access point but smaller ones will use Sidings Lane.