Old Schoolroom 100 Club – January 2025 draw results
The results of the January 2025 draw are as follows: First Prize: £50.00 Paul Sharpe # 39Second prize: £30.00 Toby Kempton # 20Third prize: £20.00 Roger Davies # 44
Charlton Village in Worcestershire
The results of the January 2025 draw are as follows: First Prize: £50.00 Paul Sharpe # 39Second prize: £30.00 Toby Kempton # 20Third prize: £20.00 Roger Davies # 44
Please see below the winners of the November Draw: First Prize £50.00. Elaine Mabbutt # 66 Second Prize £30.00. Tim Spencer # 76 Third Prize £20.00. John Airey # 47
The winners of the October draw are as follows: First Prize £50.00 Lorraine Coulson no 98Second Prize £30.00 Brenda Marsh no 86Third Prize £20.00 Sally Martin no 5
Please see below winners of the September draw: First Prize £50.00 Sue Bentley # 36Second Prize £30.00 Mel and Toby (Kempton) # 20Third prize £20.00 Andy Wadmore # 2
The winners of the August draw are as follows: 1st prize: £50.00 Carl Way # 282nd prize £30.00 Brian Clements # 403rd Prize £20.00 Danielle Salmons # 11
The (belated) results of the July draw are as follows: First prize £50.00 Pauline Oldham # 64Second prize £30.00 Patrick Joiner # 31Third prize £20.00 Lorraine Coulson # 98
The results of the June draw were as follows: First prize: £50.00 Caroline Johnson no 48Second prize: £30.00 Mark Jackson no 52Third prize: £20.00 Carol Swanson no 81
The winners of the March 100 Club draw are as follows: 1st prize £50.00 Danielle Salmons # 112nd Prize £30.00 Brenda Marsh # 863rd prize £20.00 Elaine Hawley # 34
The winners of the February 100 Club draw are as follows: First prize £50.00 Marjorie Capey # 100 Second prize £30.00 Rosemary Bruce-Gardner # 84 Third Prize £20.00 Anita Jelfs # 37
The Christmas draw has now been made and the results are as follows: 1st prize £100 Pauline Boycott # 56 2nd prize £60 Sally Martin # 5 3rd prize £40 Carol Swanson # 81