Village News

Blessing of Lychgate

Yesterday, Tuesday 11th October, the new Lychgate was blessed by Revd. Canon Sarah Dangerfield, Priest in Charge of the Five Alive Parish. The ceremony was attended by several Villagers and Church members, representatives of the Parish council and Tony Cooke, representing Snape Construction who were responsible for the construction of the new structure.

150th Anniversary of the Opening of Charlton Church

The following is an article written by Julian Hawley, a long time Charlton resident and keen local historian:

150 years ago on 30th July 1872, Henry Workman’s new church in Charlton was opened.

Workman was born in 1802 and when his wife died at a young age in 1847, he devoted his life to his work as a solicitor, as mayor of Evesham and to carrying out many philanthropic works. His good works in the town included the Workman Bridge and the Workman Gardens.

In 1865 he bought Charlton manor house and its extensive surrounding estate. He took on the role of a benevolent squire, providing support for his tenants and workers through investing in their educational, moral and religious improvement. He noted that attendance at the parish church at Cropthorne was low, only six out of 385 villagers regularly attending because of the walk up the hill. As a staunch Anglican he was also concerned about the success of the Baptist Chapel on Canada Bank in recruiting Charlton folk. He therefore determined to have a church in the village and in 1870, at his own expense, began the conversion of the medieval threshing barn in the manor house farmery. He employed the best stonemasons in the locality and also provided work for bricklayers who lived in the village. He appointed a curate for the new church, William Clifford and personally paid his stipend and that of his successors for the next ten years.

A service to celebrate the opening of the church took place on 30th July 1872, with Rev. Clifford preaching to a packed congregation, his text being “God is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth”. His sermon was very much based around encouraging villagers to attend the new church but his ending was ” Above all ask God to aid you to determine that by his loving help you will make your hearths and homes his temples in which the sacrifice of prayer and praise and of holy and consistent living, shall be daily offered” Hymns 164 and 166 from Hymns Ancient and Modern were sung

This was followed by a lunch for 350 people in a tent erected in the field behind the manor house at which rounds of beef, vegetables and huge plum puddings were consumed, washed down with plentiful beer and cider. Another service took place in the evening, again to a full church, after which the tent was again filled with villagers who were entertained by Workman with a splendid tea.

This event coincided with Workman’s 70th birthday and also the opening of a new bridge in Charlton, replacing the ford across the brook at the bottom of Canada bank.

At this time it is appropriate to remember Henry Workman and give thanks for his good work for Charlton, including, later, the addition of the Schoolroom and the Vicarage. Also, we should thank God for 150 years of a thriving church in the village and remember and thank the many enthusiastic Charlton people who have worked for and supported our church over these years. Long may it continue.

Picture of the interior of St. John the Evangelist church shortly after its opening in the late 19th century

Fladbury KIT – June 2022

This month’s KIT provides details of many forthcoming events in Fladbury and Charlton, including details of Fladbury’s Jubilee Party on the Pitch on Sunday 5th June and Charlton’s Jubilee Picnic also on 5th June, advance information for Charlton Country Fayre on 18th June and Fladbury Walkabout on 2nd & 3rd July, Fladbury Fun Run and Walk also on 3rd July, Church services throughout the 5 Alive district including a pet service on Charlton Village Green on Sunday 19th June, an appeal for singers to join the Five Alive Proms in Fladbury Church on Friday 21st October 2022, an offer of Dahlia plants from Alan Boyes in Fladbury and much more details of events in the local area.

You can download the full newsletter here:

Appointment of new Parish Paths Warden

Adrian Peake has been appointed as our new Parish Paths Warden.

Parish Path Wardens are volunteers who are appointed to assist in the maintenance and improvement of the public rights of way network within a given area, in our case, Charlton.

Parish Path Wardens are expected to regularly survey all of the paths within their parish(es), waymark the routes, carry out minor vegetation and minor repairs. There are also optional duties to the role such as carrying out more extensive clearance and maintenance, providing advice to landowners and leading guided walks.

You can download and read Adrian’s initial report to the Annual Parish Meeting here:

Final phase of repairs to the Lychgate at Charlton Cemetery

Contractors will be fitting the new gates to the Lychgate at Charlton Cemetery on Saturday 30th April. If anyone needs access to tend graves etc. please ask the workmen to let you through, rather than climbing through the hedge, which is now re-growing.

Fladbury Kitty #7 2022

Welcome to Fladbury Kitty #7 2022. A few items which really can’t wait until May. Thank you.
John, KIT editor, email:
Please take your seats
?Sleeping Beauty[In the fair village of Fladbury who is the handsome prince, the evil fairy, and the good fairy? And what parts will they be playing in Sleeping Beauty? ? You’ll have to see it to find out!, Ed.] Thursday 31st March, 7.30pm Friday 1st April, 7.30pm Saturday 2nd April, 2.30pm matinée Saturday 2nd April, 7.30pm final show. For tickets, contact Helen on 07891443428 or pay at the door.
Emergency First Aid at Work
?The Paddle Club has organised an Emergency First Aid at Work course on Monday 4th April, 9.30am to 4:00pm at the Social Club. There are a small number of places still available. If interested, please contact Andy Train on 07722125350 or
Knit & Natter
?Knit & Natter meet at Fladbury Social club on Thursday 7th April, 10am to 12noon. So knitters bring your project along and have coffee too. We meet the first Thursday of each month.

Come & Join Us. Fladbury Brownies are a group of 7 to 10 year-old girls who meet weekly during term time. We have lots of fun, play games, go outside, make friends, and develop our skills. If you would like to come and join our Brownies and share our Brownie Smile please contact Snowy Owl 861254 or Subs are £25 termly. Our Summer Term starts on 25th April.
This is what our current Brownies have to say:
“We do amazing activities”
“It’s not like school”
“We sing ? and have fun”
“We laugh tonnes”

Life on the Royal Yacht. Wyre Piddle WI has an open meeting on Wednesday 13th April, 7.30 pm, at Wyre Piddle Village Hall. David Rushforth, a previous crew member, will be talking about life on the Royal Yacht Britannia. All are welcome and entry is £4. If you would like to attend, please email Wendy Berry, Secretary,
Des Healy
Denise Paxford writes:
“With great sadness my dad, Des Healy, passed away on 21st March. He will always be in my heart. Dad helped me raise money for DFSG (Duchenne Family Support Group) and helped with Steven golng to hospital ops. He will be sadly missed.

Fladbury KIT – April 2022

The April edition contains details of a large number of events. Particular things to look out for in this issue…..Fladbury Cricket Club needs players…..Get your tickets for The Fladbury Players’ pantomime Sleeping Beauty…..There are table top and plant sales for Alzheimer’s Research UK…..Fladbury Walkabout needs a few hours of your time…..We have an outline of events for Fladbury’s Jubilee Celebrations…..It’s not too late to paint a pebble for Lent…..And Jane could do with some help with her clutter!

If you have something for KIT, please get in touch with John Powell, KIT editor. Please send contributions for the May edition by the end of Wednesday 27th April to: To access previous editions and to subscribe:

The full KIT newsletter is available for download here:

Fladbury KIT – March 2022

The latest edition of (Keeping In Touch) KIT can be downloaded by using the link below. This edition contains information on a wide variety of events in Fladbury and Charlton, of interest to residents of all ages, including a visit by a representative of The Pershore Volunteer Centre on Thursday 31st March, Church news and details of forthcoming services, Lent Lunches, Bell Ringing in Fladbury and Cropthorne, vacant allotment plots in Fladbury, this year’s Fladbury Walkabout and Charlton Fayre, and much more.


Update on Lychgate

The roof structure is now complete and the original roof tiles have been re-fitted by specialist craftsmen. The  recessed seats on either side, traditionally for the use of pall-bearers or vigil watchers, have also been replaced.

It is hoped that the whole project will be completed within the next few days.

Advance Warning of Network Rail Working During Easter Weekend

Early heads up re Network Rail doing track relaying between Chadbury and 200 mtres this side of the river Avon bridge over the Easter weekend. 

Key points:

·         Most of the work will take place Saturday and Sunday with set up shortly beforehand and clearing up afterwards. 

·         Track laying kit should arrive on the tracks, rather than by road.

·         It is thought only vehicle access will be for rail workers in small vehicles. Network Rail will confirm details of access routes and are aware re Sidings Lane issues.

·         Likely noisy activity will be the tamping down of the new track, other than that we will probably not notice the work going on. Likley to be some vibration near the track when they do this.

The official notification letter from Network Rail can be downloaded below: