Old Schoolroom News

Wychavon Community Legacy Grant Awarded to Fund Refurbishment of Charlton Old Schoolroom

The Joseph Baker Workman Trust and Charlton Parish Council are pleased to announce that funding has been awarded  from Wychavon District Council’s Community Legacy Grant Scheme to allow the project to develop and upgrade the Old Schoolroom to proceed. Planning Permission has also been granted following some amendments to the original plans, and outline details of the revised design are shown here:

Full working drawings are currently being prepared by our architect.

The project will include the construction of a small extension to the existing building allowing the full refurbishment of the service area to include a new enlarged fully equipped kitchen, new toilets with disabled facilities and a new storage area. The driveway will also be properly surfaced.

The terms of the grant require a degree of match funding, meaning that fund raising for the project will continue following the relaxation of Covid restrictions.

These developments which will commence in 2022 will provide a modern and much improved environment for all our users and hirers and will generally be a great asset to the village, of which we can all be proud. 

We would like to thank Wychavon District Council’s Communities and Engagement team and our local District Councillor Tony Rowley for their help and support, in helping us obtain the grant.

Joseph Baker Workman Charity 100 CLUB

The 100 club will be re-launched with a new format and increased prize fund. Currently the club provides a small profit that is used to support the upkeep of the Old Schoolroom.

It is proposed to re-launch the 100 club with each member paying £2.50 per month or £30 per calendar year, to be paid either by standing order or as a single one-off amount. This will provide an increased monthly prize fund of £100 (1st prize £50.00, 2nd prize £30.00, 3rd prize £20.00) and a bonus Christmas draw of £200 (1st prize £100.00, 2nd prize £60.00, 3rd prize £40.00). In addition, the surplus will provide a much-needed increase in funds for the Old Schoolroom to be invested in its upkeep and improvement. 

Existing 100 club members will be contacted by Wendy Sharpe on behalf of the Committee to offer the chance to participate in the new club and to maintain existing number(s). In order to remain as a member of the 100 Club, either the standing order for payments needs to be in place for payment on the 1st September 2021, or payment needs to be made by cheque for the full annual amount. The Standing Order form can be downloaded below for completion and return to Wendy at: The Cottage, The Green, Charlton, or, if you have internet banking, then you can set up your standing order online using the following details:

Account Name: Joseph Baker Workmans Charity

Account No:      91389939

Sort code:   40-20-27  

Wendy will be contacting existing members over the course of the next month to confirm whether they wish to continue as a member of the 100 club, but in the meantime, if you have any questions, please feel free to contact her on 07990 554673. Existing numbers will be held until 31 August 2021, when if you have not confirmed that you wish to continue, the numbers will be released to potential new members.

The first draw under the new format will be made on 15thSeptember 2021.

Please note a full set of the rules of the 100 club and the Standing Order form can be downloaded at: 



Update on Project to Upgrade The Old Schoolroom

The consultation process with Village residents and other Schoolroom users regarding the proposed extension and internal improvements has now been completed. The level of feedback received was amazing, and all positive! There was even a letter of support from Mark Jackson, High Sherriff of Worcestershire, who lives in the Village.

Based on the feedback received, appropriate modifications have been made to the architect’s drawings, which are shown below.

The application form for a Community Legacy Grant has now been completed by the Parish Council and the Joseph Baker Workman Trustees and submitted to Wychavon District Council for review, and hopefully an award to fund the upgrade. We will know around the middle of May if we have been successful. In which case, we anticipate that work will commence in July, once the Pre-School group breaks up for the summer holidays.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the consultation process and who provided assistance to the preparation of the Application.

COSRA 100 Club February Draw Results

£ 25      Sue Hall                        (#12) 

£15       Barbara Pharo             (#29) 

££10     Emily Hall-Roberts      (#85) 

Proposed Project to Upgrade The Old Schoolroom

The trustees of the Joseph Baker Workman Charity, which manages the Charlton Old Schoolroom, are proposing to further develop the building as a village asset by improving and upgrading the facilities. 

Currently the building is used by the community as a village hall for events and social gatherings and provides a venue for the local Pre-school and Scout group. It is also available for regular use by community groups and organisations, including an elderly residents’ group and for private functions. 

The project would involve constructing a new extension at the front of the building, enabling the addition of larger, improved toilet facilities with new disabled and mother/baby facilities. The space created by this new extension would then allow us to make further internal improvements including the provision of a modern, larger kitchen area and a new corridor and fire exit, providing improved access for disabled people, children and the elderly. We would also re-lay the very uneven driveway to provide better and safer access with better parking facilities for disabled visitors. We also plan to replace some of the tables and chairs together with the very old curtains in the main hall. Initial outline plans are shown below.

The trustees and the Parish Council believe that the proposed improvements would greatly benefit our many users and the village as a whole and are intending to apply for a Wychavon Council grant to fund the project. We have already received confirmation that this is the type of project for which they may approve funding. However, before we go ahead with a formal application, it is important that we consult with residents to understand whether they agree with and support the project. 

Thank you in advance for your feedback, which is much appreciated,

Committee of the Joseph Baker Workman Charity

Nigel Cates / Julian Hawley/ Mary Gisborne /Wendy Sharpe / Rob Hiscocks 

Charlton Parish Council

Roger Davies / Richard Sims

Joseph Baker Workman Trust 2020 AGM Minutes

Minutes of the Management Meeting

Zoom Meeting

Tuesday 24th November 2020

1. Present: Nigel Cates; Julian Hawley; Emily Hall-Roberts; Diane Barlow; Vicky Morris; Paul Lees; Rob Hiscocks; Wendy Sharpe

Apologies: Mary Gisborne

2. Actions from Management Meeting of 21st July 2020

• Parish Council report attached

• Paul has passed information to Nigel

• Wendy outlined the changes that would need to be made regarding charitable status. She will summarise these for members and also consult with Community First.

• Discussion ensued regarding personal liability and current insurance.

• Diane to provide Wendy with contact details for Community First.

The minutes were agreed.

3. (a) (b) Reports from Chairman and Treasurer were given in AGM.

(c) There will be single usage of the building by preschool until circumstances change.

Scouts will be re-evaluating their position in February.

Vicky expressed concerns regarding cleaning and movement of equipment after covid-19 situation. She also asked what the projected income would be for 2020/21. I.e. is preschool income level with current expenditure.

Julian responded that it should cover under the circumstances and that there are reserves if expenditure exceeds income.

(d) New room has been completed. Only maintenance to date has been the run off into a drain. Julian has cleared this though a ceramic piece requires replacement. Drain is now flowing.

A light is required at the end of the new build. Nigel has discussed this with scouts and will carry out the fixing to wall.

Vicky has some concerns regarding the state of the underlay at the entrance however this is to be replaced in Phase 2.

Using gravel to fill shallow areas has mainly worked but washes away after heavy rain.

Nigel has moved the bins. Vicky will see to the removal of the BBQ.

One green bin has a damaged wheel. Julian will look into this.

Rob expressed concerns over the placement of the calor gas cylinders. This will be addressed in Phase 2 plans.


Preschool New signage has been put up for parents bringing children to sessions.

Numbers are limited and currently 17 rising to 25 after Christmas then 30.

Scouts Meetings are taking place on Zoom with lower numbers

Finances have been hit by reduction in numbers

Nationally the Scouting Association is having financial problems.

Church The church is open 1 day a week for private prayer.

Trees in the community garden have been removed.

Plans to have a Christmas Service in December with limited numbers.

Parish Council

The Parish Council has discussed the Legacy Grant and an initial submission is to be made by 5th December. If this is approved the deadline for the next stage is 5th March 2021.The Parish Council are impressed by the work already achieved and thanks the Workman Trust for its efforts.


Julian and Nigel have met with members of the Parish Council. They were encouraged to increase the amount to be applied for to £71638 which would include the new build, driveway,

20% contingency fund, 20% architects fees. £9000 for furnishings to be raised by the trusts fund raising activities. Roger Davies and Richard Sims have been very helpful with the submission.

Copies of the items for submission are attached.

If the submission is approved the PC will go to the community via a questionnaire to gain a majority approval from villagers,

Emily was asked to pass on the thanks of the committee to the Parish Council.

The members of the committee voted that this submission should go ahead.

Date for next Meeting: Tuesday 19th January 2021

Since the meeting a new document regarding safeguarding has been sent from Community First and circulated to the committee members.