Worcestershire Minerals Local Plan – Update March 2022
We have clarified the present position regarding the Worcestershire Minerals Local Plan (WMLP) with Worcestershire County Council.
It is all very technical – but, in summary we await the Inspectors report and until that is received there will be no further work on the WMLP or the Preferred Options Plan. The latter document is the Plan that identifies sites for future working. Watch this space!
For more information, read on:
The Government appointed Inspectors are currently considering the responses to the main modification consultation generated following the Examination in Public (EIP) in November 2020. Receipt of the Inspectors’ report is a fundamental, and the Council can only consider the plan for adoption once this is received. It is hoped this will be in time for this to be considered by the Worcestershire County Council Cabinet in May and for adoption by the Full Council in July this year. Should the Inspector’s report not be received shortly these timescales will need to be altered.
The Worcestershire County Council Minerals Team also state that they are progressing well towards the “Preferred Options” Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD). However, there are elements which cannot be finalised until they have confirmation of the modifications the Inspectors will be recommending for the Minerals Local Plan, and that the Council intends to adopt it. As long as the planned timescales for this are met the present plan is to consult the public on this second document by the end of September this year.