Worcestershire Minerals Local Plan now formally adopted by County Council
Worcestershire County Council formally adopted the Worcestershire Minerals Local Plan (WMLP) at a Cabinet meeting on 14th July 2022.
The Worcestershire Minerals Local Plan is now part of the County’s Development Plan and will be used by Worcestershire County Council’s planning officers and Planning and Regulatory Committee to make decisions about planning applications for mineral extraction, processing and restoration. It will also be used by the City, Borough and District Councils in Worcestershire to ensure other types of development do not sterilise mineral resources or negatively impact mineral infrastructure.
More information about the Minerals Local Plan, its purpose and how it has been developed, can be found on the Council’s website at:
www.worcestershire.gov.uk/minerals [1]
We now await publication of the Development Plan Document (DPD) which will allocate specific sites and preferred areas for mineral development to support the delivery of the WMLP and provide greater certainty about where mineral development will take place. It will be used alongside the Minerals Local Plan to determine planning applications.