Worcestershire “As One”
Worcestershire organizations including the county and district councils, faith groups, schools, businesses and others are joining forces to help streets across the county to renew their sense of belonging, support and friendliness, as widely experienced in the first Lock-down.
As part of Worcestershire’s ‘As One’ campaign, the message, ‘Fill your street with friendliness’ has started to be displayed on hundreds of large banners across the county. From the spring, dozens of local As One events will be put on to help the message take root in each locality.
You can download and read full details of the project including a list of organisations across the County who have already signed up here:
If you’d like to display a banner, or get involved in any other way, please reply ASAP to our Worcestershire As One Coordinator, Rachel Adkins, at worcestershire@as-one.uk. Linking into As One’s social media would also be valuable. It’s @asoneuk for Facebook and Instagram, @asoneukcampaign for Twitter.