The Evesham Journal reports that roadworks are set to return to a main road for three months after previous work was deemed ‘not to standard’. The report states:
“The work, being carried out by Severn Trent to upgrade a water pipe underneath the A44, will start on January 27 and could last until the end of April.
Traffic lights will appear on the A44 from Salters Lane and gradually move toward Evesham.
In a letter addressed to Severn Trent customers, Paul Hughes, community communications officer at Severn Trent said: ‘We would like to thank you for your ongoing support and patience whilst we carry out our essential work to upgrade the main water pipe along the A44’.
‘The team has completed laying the new water main along the A44.
‘We will be returning after the Christmas break to carry out some reinstatement work on the highway identified as not being to standard.
‘This will start from Salters Lane, Lower Moor and work towards Evesham’.
The company has warned that there may look like little activity is happening at times but said that during those times they could be waiting for materials.
Mr Hughes continued: ‘The work will start on January 27 and we aim to be completed by the end of April.
‘This work will be carried out as before under manually controlled traffic lights.
‘There maybe times where there is little activity within the road works.
‘This maybe when the team are waiting for materials to set/cure so they can move onto the next section of road.
‘Please be aware that although we try to stick to these dates, they may change due to circumstances beyond our control.’“
Worcestershire CC Highways department will be imposing a temporary 30MPH speed limit on a section of the B4084, Pershore Road from Monday 3rd February for approximately 1 month while footpath repairs are carried out. The restriction will apply to the section between the junctions with Boston Lane and Lower Haselor.

The traffic lights on the A44 controlling traffic flow in connection with the water pipe replacement by Severn Trent engineers have now been removed, as the work has now transferred to The Squires, where traffic flow is controlled by temporary 2-way traffic signals.