Latest News on roadworks around Charlton including closure of Canada Bank, upcoming 30MPH speed limit on B4084 and temporary closure of Mill Bank, Fladbury

Severn Trent engineers will be be working at the junction of Mill Bank and Neigh Lane between Tuesday 4th ~ Thursday 6th February, which will result in a total closure of Mill Bank at this junction. The recommended diversion is via Cropthorne and Evesham.

Worcestershire CC will be closing Canada Bank between the junctions with Top Street and the B4084, Pershore Road, from Monday 27th January for approximately 3 days in order to facilitate construction of a dropped kerb for a new vehicle crossing adjacent to Swiss Cottage. The preferred diversions are also shown below.

Worcestershire CC Highways department will be imposing a temporary 30MPH speed limit on a section of the B4084, Pershore Road from Monday 3rd February for approximately 1 month while footpath repairs are carried out. The restriction will apply to the section between the junctions with Boston Lane and Lower Haselor.

The traffic lights on the A44 controlling traffic flow in connection with the water pipe replacement by Severn Trent engineers have now been removed, as the work has now transferred to The Squires, where traffic flow is controlled by temporary 2-way traffic signals.