Wychavon District Council consults the Parish Council on all planning applications originating in, or of relevance to, the Parish. These are considered by the Parish Council’s Planning Committee at its regular meetings. Comments and any recommendations are forwarded by the Clerk for consideration to the local planning authority alongside representations made by members of the public or other organisations. The planning authority may or may not agree with our views, but can normally be expected to take account of them in determining the outcome of each application.

Although the Parish Council has no statutory powers in the planning process, its local knowledge, combined with an understanding of the planning system and its feel for local public opinion, means that it can still make a worthwhile contribution to the decision-making process.  At its meetings, the Parish Council’s Planning Committee examines each application together with associated drawings and documents, and agrees the comments and recommendations to be made to Wychavon District Council.

Planning applications can be viewed via Wychavon District Council’s planning portal by following this link and selecting “Charlton” from the drop down Parish menu:

Wychaven Planning Website