Proposed Project to Upgrade The Old Schoolroom
The trustees of the Joseph Baker Workman Charity, which manages the Charlton Old Schoolroom, are proposing to further develop the building as a village asset by improving and upgrading the facilities.
Currently the building is used by the community as a village hall for events and social gatherings and provides a venue for the local Pre-school and Scout group. It is also available for regular use by community groups and organisations, including an elderly residents’ group and for private functions.
The project would involve constructing a new extension at the front of the building, enabling the addition of larger, improved toilet facilities with new disabled and mother/baby facilities. The space created by this new extension would then allow us to make further internal improvements including the provision of a modern, larger kitchen area and a new corridor and fire exit, providing improved access for disabled people, children and the elderly. We would also re-lay the very uneven driveway to provide better and safer access with better parking facilities for disabled visitors. We also plan to replace some of the tables and chairs together with the very old curtains in the main hall. Initial outline plans are shown below.
The trustees and the Parish Council believe that the proposed improvements would greatly benefit our many users and the village as a whole and are intending to apply for a Wychavon Council grant to fund the project. We have already received confirmation that this is the type of project for which they may approve funding. However, before we go ahead with a formal application, it is important that we consult with residents to understand whether they agree with and support the project.
Thank you in advance for your feedback, which is much appreciated,
Committee of the Joseph Baker Workman Charity
Nigel Cates / Julian Hawley/ Mary Gisborne /Wendy Sharpe / Rob Hiscocks
Charlton Parish Council
Roger Davies / Richard Sims