Minerals Local Plan (MLP) Update
The parish councils of Charlton, Cropthorne, Fladbury and Wick have responded to the consultation on the Main Modifications to the Plan, following the Examination in Public in November 2020
The consultation asked for comments on whether the MLP is legally compliant and sound in respect of it being positively prepared, justified, effective and compliant with national policy. In respect of legal compliance, the parish councils’ opinion was that the MLP is not legally compliant in particular respect to community engagement and communication, as detailed in the National Planning Policy Format (NPPF) and Worcestershire County Council’s own Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). In respect of the soundness of the MLP, the parish councils’ opinion is not sound in respect of its impact on climate change, the loss of best and most versatile agricultural land and impact on air quality. The parish councils’ detailed responses can be downloaded and read on the Minerals Local Plan page of this website.