December ’21 KIT – lots to read + Diary at the end
Advent has begun and Christmas is on the way. In my final KIT, there are Christmas events and thanks to folk who contribute to our village community and news of our continuing activities, including who will be producing KIT in January 2022 – yes, keep reading!
By the time you read this, the lights will be twinkling on the Christmas trees in the churchyard and on the village green. Many thanks to the David and Gill Taylor for donating the beautiful trees, to Simon and helpers for transporting them – and more! – and to Dan Barker, Al Bradley, David Bugg, Lindsay Cameron, John Foley, Robert Guy, Matthew Hawkins, Vic Lovett, Geoff Mills, Jean Ounsted, John Powell, Ian & Jan Southcott and Andy Train for organising and helping to erect them and covering them in lights. Windows on Advent Calendars start opening tomorrow, Wednesday – if you haven’t got one, there are small ones £3 each in my porch at 6 Woodward Parks or ring me – 860531.
· There will be Elves in the Club on the mornings of Friday 3 December from 9am and Saturday 4 December from 10am serving coffee & cake and raising funds for the Alzheimer’s Society with a stall for bring-and-buy unused-presents and good bric-a-brac and a raffle
· On Tuesday 7 December from 10am to 12 noon – a re-assembly of the TULIP lunch folk – but all welcome! – with coffee and cake and planning for future TULIP gatherings, along with Denise’s handmade Christmas cards in aid of the Duchenne Family Support Group
· The Club is open as usual in December – Thursdays from 4.30pm, Friday evenings, Saturday and Sunday lunchtime and evenings and Coffee & Cake on Friday and Saturday mornings.
· As usual, there will be a New Year’s Eve Party!
For further information, please contact Club Secretary Mark Hatfield, phone 07718 584849
QUIZ NIGHT at Evesham Golf Club, Fladbury Cross WR10 2QS this Friday 3 December at 7.30pm – maximum 6 people per team, £2.50 per team player, food available at halftime – raffle – all proceeds to Whizz Kids and Diabetes UK. To book a table, contact Helen 07843 724034 or Rachel 07748 694544
A massive thank you to everyone who has supported this year’s campaign for Teams4u. Last week we had over 40,000 shoeboxes collected nationally and still 2 weeks to go! On Saturday, over 9,000 were loaded on to the lorry destined for Romania. The deadline for filled boxes is Saturday 4 December. If you have one and are not sure where to put it, please leave it in my porch at 6 Woodward Parks or contact Paul and Ali Jeanes on 860934 or 07450 088334. Jane 860531
Sunday 5 December – Roast Beef or Chicken in an asparagus sauce
Sunday 12 December – Roast Lamb or roast Pork
Sunday 19 December – Roast Turkey or roast Pork + Christmas Pudding and homemade brandy sauce.
This Christmas meal – roast + pudding – is £15 per person
We are sorry not to be able to do Christmas Day lunches this year but we will be back on
Sunday 2 January with roast Beef or Chicken chasseur – please order before Tuesday 28 December to allow for delivery from suppliers
Each meal – £9 each + desserts – £4 each
When you ring to place your orders, we will tell you what the weekly desserts will be.
TO ORDER any of the above, please telephone us, Carol-Anne and Nigel, on 07866 670472
We are available to cater for any buffets or afternoon teas etc during the festive season – please ask for availability.
Thank you for your custom over the last year and every good wish for Christmas and the new year.
Sunday 5th December
9:30am Bishampton Holy Communion
11:00am Cropthorne Holy Communion
Sunday 12th December
9:30am Charlton Holy Communion
11:00am Fladbury Holy Communion
Thursday 16th December
Fladbury School Christmas Service in the Church
Friday 17th December
Cropthorne School Christmas Service in the Church
Sunday 19th December
11:00am Wyre Piddle Holy Communion
6:30pm Fladbury Nine Lessons & Carols
Monday 20th December
3:00pm Lower Moor Christmas Worship
7:00pm Throckmorton Lessons & Carols
Friday 24th December – CHRISTMAS EVE
4:00pm Fladbury Crib Service
4:00pm Wyre Piddle Christingle Service
5:00pm Cropthorne Crib Service
11:30pm Cropthorne Midnight Mass
Saturday 25th December – CHRISTMAS DAY
9:00am Bishampton Christmas Morning Worship
10:30am Charlton Christmas Morning Worship
10:30am Fladbury Christmas Holy Communion
Sunday 26th December
10:30am Fladbury Holy Communion (said service)
Sunday 2nd January 2022
11:00am Fladbury Holy Communion
Sunday 9th January
9.30am Bishampton Holy Communion
11.00am Fladbury Morning Worship
Holy Communion Wyre Piddle
We respectfully request that face masks are worn during the church services
Parish Priest – The Revd Sarah Dangerfield, tel: 01386 861669
Five Alive Parish Wardens – Meredith Debenham 01386 446276 and Celia Willis 01386 861348
Bishampton & Throckmorton Church Warden – Peter Chatterton 01386 462349
“With best wishes for a safe, peaceful and joy-filled Christmas and New Year, Sarah”
Friends of Fladbury will be organising carol singing round the Christmas Tree on the Green on Wednesday evening 22 December with musicians and a collection for “Caring Hands in Evesham” – please look out for posters giving further information
Special Christmas food parcels are delivered to known families in need each year. Tinned ham and salmon are firm favourites as these can form the basis of a special meal and are often missed in favour of biscuits and chocolates which are usually generously donated. Christmas puddings and tinned custard are also good as are mince pies and any sponge puddings. Donations welcome in Fladbury Church porch – please ring Christine Farrell 861869 for further information.
Many thanks in advance.
in the Anchor Inn, Fladbury, every first Tuesday of the month – this time 7 December – at 7.30pm in the Anchor Inn and then on Tuesday 4 January
StarChip Enterprise will be outside the Anchor on Tuesday 7 December from 4.30pm to last orders at 7.30pm – may be the last time this year.
· Christmas Jumper Day at Fladbury School – why not at Coffee in the Club too?!
· Human Rights Day – I will be lighting a candle for justice and trying to think more about how we can achieve it throughout the world. Candle leaflets available in my porch for window display
Our next work party is on Saturday 11 December from 10.30am to 12noon – please let me know if you are interested in joining us – there might even be mulled wine in flasks and mince pies! Jane
The December meeting – Omicron permitting – will be held on Monday, December 13th at 7.00 pm. This is a ‘one-off’ change of date (we are normally the third Monday of the month) due to the proximity of Christmas.
We are not allowed by Government diktat to meet by Zoom anymore but we do practice sensible precautions – mask wearing, social distancing, sanitising etc – so if any member of the public wishes to attend, please let us know in advance so we can adopt any measures necessary to accommodate you.
After the holidays we will provide a full update on the Minerals Policy, the future of the field, the Nait and the Mill and the results of the ‘snapshot’ future housing survey.
A very happy, healthy and peaceful Christmas and New Year to you all.
Ian Southcott (861061) Chair, Fladbury Parish Council – email: iandjsouthcott@aol. com
Clerk, Lynne Yapp – email:
Many thanks to all who attended the Village Hall AGM. We are always looking for volunteers to join our Committee, in particular for the roles of Treasurer and Booking Clerk. The village hall is an amazing asset to our village and needs fresh ideas on how it can be best utilised for the community. If you are interested in joining and would like further details on how you can be involved, please contact Andrew and Jane on 01386 861158 or email
For information and to book, please contact Andy and Jane Davies on 861158 or email or go on line where you will see weekly bookings.
All are welcome to Fladbury Village Hall – government rules permitting – on Wednesday mornings from 10.30am, right up to Christmas and beyond. Games are not essential (well, to some they are!) – you can just pop in for a cup of coffee (or tea!) and chat. Facemasks allowed and we are well spaced and covid careful. And we’ll have our festive party sometime in January. If you want to know more, especially about just popping in, please ring me, Sally, on 861206.
Because of so much happening in December and dark evenings, Knit & Natter folk will not be gathering but hopefully they will be in the new year. For more information, please contact Amy McGann on 07850 075459.
I hope you all agree that the village tubs are looking so good again and will be even better when the bulbs appear next Spring. We now have 27 tubs to plant and I would like to thank the volunteers for their help again this year – Anne and Keith Cunningham, Pat MacMillan, Alison King, Trish Brazier, Elaine Stephens, Simone Stewart and Lisa Clayton Jan Southcott
(and thanks to Jan for organising the ordering and planting and to the Parish Council for funding)
11 months of planning, getting back together, meeting up with old friends and making new friends all created a beautiful community project called the Fladbury Flow. Last week, we finally dismantled the River of Poppies. They will now be repurposed and continue a different journey of Remembrance. The Fladbury Flow embraced friendship, family and history. This is how we never forget. This is how we pass history on to the future. Together we have honoured those who have served our country and together we have celebrated 100 years of the Royal British legion Poppy Appeal.
A massive thank you to every knitter, crocheter, stitcher, tutor, cake maker and helper. You made this all possible. You made the Fladbury Flow happen. And we have just got the total amount raised from the Fladbury Flow for the Royal British Legion – £1,360.11
Thank you from Angela and Elaine xx (and thanks again to Angela and Elaine for the idea!)
Thanks to John and Jenny Bolt for ensuring that the deep red geraniums on our War Memorials were still fresh and flowering for
Thanks to Victor Job for decorating the village and Jubilee Bridge with poppies and thanks to all who donated towards £170 collected in buckets round the Memorial + £28 from Lower Moor Church Memorial Service.
OCEAN BLUE in Church Street, Fladbury WR10 2QB
Katie Haines had a very successful Christmas Shopping Event in the salon on 22 November and the raffle raised an amazing £400 for St Richard’s Hospice. Katie once again thanks everyone for supporting Ocean blue for the last 11 years and we give our very best wishes to Katie who is marrying her fiancé Darren on Wednesday 29 December at 12noon in Pershore Abbey before celebrations at Deer Park Hall.
Many thanks to all who supported the charity stalls on 19 and 20 November and to Helen and Mark at the Club for the accommodation!
- Pam Foley and Christine Farrell raised £351 for Alzheimer’s Research UK. Pam (860895) is taking orders for her crafts and gifts
- Cath Gillespie raised £215 selling her homemade chocolates for Papyrus – a national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide in the UK. Cath (07980 585934) is taking orders for Christmas treats – see facebook page ‘Something Chocolatey’
- Denise Paxford (860901) made £36 selling her handmade Christmas cards for the Duchenne Family Support Group. Denise will be selling her cards again in the Club or give her a ring if you want to buy some
- Jenny Summers (861817) sold one of her £10 bags whilst displaying her cushions and hangings for children’s bedrooms – please ring Jenny if you would like to buy some
- I made £151 selling Advent calendars and Christmas cards etc for various charities
FROM LT Solutions – A huge Thank You to you all for your support this last year. I look forward to seeing you all soon. My last working day is Thursday 23rd December, back on Monday 3rd Jan 2022. I would like to wish all of my lovely clients a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year. I am fully booked for house care and cleaning but slots become available from time to time – my phone number is 07792492839 Lou Townend, LT Solutions
· Fladbury Pies & Sausages 860228 are taking Christmas orders
· Gift vouchers available from Ocean Blue – contact Katie on 860110 or 07977 181001
· Facemasks – Vanessa Tofield has some fab new Christmas fabrics and is taking orders, from £5, depending on the fabric. If you want sequins, they cost a little more! And there are plenty of non-Christmas ones available. To enquire or order, please ring 860576
Covid is still out and about – or rather in and hidden – even in our villages.
Heard on Radio 4, to help prevent or reduce covid…..
· Wear a well fitting facemask in shops and crowded places – and now mandatory and on public transport – annoying but not difficult
· Keep socially distanced – a bit difficult
· Make sure confined spaces are well-ventilated – could be uncomfortable but better safe than sorry! And now it’s even more urgent to get boosted….
Look out for an email soon of the Five Alive Quiz raising funds for our parish churches. 40 cryptic clues on a theme, written by quizmaster Wendy, who will receive your answers please by December 31st. Correct entries will be put in a draw on 2nd January at Fladbury church with two prizes of £20 and £10 on offer. Paper copies of the quiz will be on sale from Jane Bugg 860531 in Fladbury and Wendy Malkinson 556102 in Wyre Piddle.
FLADBURY FESTIVE FIVE – Sunday 9 January 2022
The Fladbury Festive Five is a 5 mile-ish multi-terrain race, mainly off road, along the banks of the River Avon, through Fladbury village and Lower Moor, Worcestershire. This run is organised and hosted by The Friends of Fladbury community group. This is the 9th time we have organised the event and it has become a popular event in the local running calendar. The profits from the event will go to Alzheimer’s Research UK and Friends of Fladbury community events and groups.
We will need support from the village in the form of marshals on the route and donations of cakes. Please contact me, Louise 07968 252847 , if you can help.
But it is even better if you take part as it makes this community event even more special. To enter go to Thank you! Lou Bugg
NEW WOMENS GROUP for Charlton, Cropthorne, Fladbury and beyond
What an amazing turnout on Tuesday 9th November for the launch of our new group. Over sixty women and men joined together to socialise and discuss the future structure of this new group, helped along with a couple of glasses of wine and a wonderful Remembrance Cake from Fladbury.
Everyone agreed to meet monthly on the second Tuesday of each month, beginning in January 2022 at Cropthorne and Charlton Village Hall. The meetings will be informal, sharing events from each village and hosting speakers or organised activities, everyone bringing their own refreshments. A charge of £3 per person was agreed to cover hiring costs and any other expenses.
Currently 2021 will end with…..
· Wreath making at Charlton Old Schoolroom Friday 3 December at 6.00pm – £6 with all materials provided – bring your own refreshments. There are a few places still available.
· A festive lunch at Holland House – fully booked
· Christmas Chocolate Bingo on Tuesday 14th December at 7.00pm at Cropthorne & Charlton Village Hall with mulled wine and mince pies – £4 including a free raffle
The steering group met to discuss the suggestions for a new group name and a limited programme for the start of 2022 which will be voted on at the Christmas Bingo by those present.
We look forward to an exciting year ahead with members from Charlton, Cropthorne, Fladbury and beyond joining together to enjoy, learn and socialise as one harmonious community. Anyone interested in joining please contact me by phone or email.
Best wishes, Kathy Rayers, phone: 07811190555 , email:
This year we again want to run the ADVENT WINDOWS IN CHARLTON and we’d like as many villagers as possible to get involved. Simply make an illuminated window display or tableau in a window that can be seen by all who live and pass through our beautiful village. Like last year, your display could be of anything associated with Christmas: Santa and his reindeer; a nativity scene; a Christmas wreath; a snowy scene or landscape; a Christmas image of one of our village landmarks such as the church, village green or pub. So long as it’s bright and Christmas inspired, it’s up to you! Simply dress your window from 1st December onwards and, if you want to, ‘register’ your house number and street with me at and on the 1st, 8th, 15th and 23rd of December I’ll post a list of participating houses so we can all walk the village and bask in the warmth of bright, colourful Charlton Advent Windows. Stuart Adams
FESTIVAL OF SMALL TREES – pot up a tree of any variety, decorate bring to Charlton Church from 10th December onwards. Your tree should be a suitable size for the window sills or a table. Dedicate your tree to a charity, a friend, your family, a group or a business. Brighten the church for Advent and Christmas
CHARLTON CHATTERY on Friday 10 December 2.30pm-4pm in Charlton Old Schoolroom. Lots of refreshments, including mince pies of course, and a Raffle.
ROAD CLOSURE – to make a connection to the public sewer for the caravan park, Canada Bank will be closed from the corner of Boston Lane and Yessell Lane, possibly until 17 December but the contractor hopes to finish sooner.
· A CROPTHORNE TEA PARTY will be held on Saturday 4 December from 3:30 to 5pm at The Granary, opposite the churchyard, with Hilary Harris (860509) and friends. All donations to the Cropthorne Church toilet fund. Special attraction – small decorated Christmas cakes in their own gift box – £6 each
· COFFEE AND CHAT at Cropthorne Village Hall every Tuesday morning 10-12.Everyone welcome from all surrounding villages and area. Bring a friend and make new friends.
· HOLLAND HOUSE in Cropthorne (Main Street WR10 3NB)
Traditional Christmas Lunch – Wednesday 8 December
Traditional Christmas Lunch and Carols – Friday 17 December
Festive Afternoon Tea – Saturday 18 December
Traditional Christmas Lunch – Sunday 19 December
Christmas Lunch & Carols – Tuesday 21 December
For further information about the above and our quiet days and retreats and to book any of the above, go to or email or call 01386 860330.
· The POST OFFICE is open in the Village Hall on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 12.30pm – but on 2 December it will open at 10am.
· SING CAROLS with the SALVATION ARMY BAND on Thursday 16 December at 7pm on the Lower Moor Playing Field Car Park
Wednesday 8 December – Christmas Party
Friday 17 December – visit Fladbury Social Club for Coffee and Cake
Wednesday 12 January – New Year Lunch at The Thai Restaurant.
GROUPS – Craft, Books, Walks, Evesham Cinema, Occasional Zoomed Talks in village hall, Outings – Programme 2022 fully planned. Enquiries welcome. Secretary Wendy Berry 561888
· FIVE ALIVE QUIZ prepared by Wendy Malkinson – see the earlier notice in this KIT
· RHS monthly advice page –
Remembering a loved one this Christmas whilst donating to charity
For Evesham go to or ring 077645 228044
For Pershore go to or ring 07504 8455395
· PERSHORE VOLUNTEER CENTRE for lifts to hospitals and hairdressers etc – telephone 01386 554299 – clients, drivers and passenger assistants wanted!
· PANTO IN PERSHORE – some folk from our villages, including Tillie Brotherton of Fladbury, are appearing in the Pershore Operatic & Dramatic Society pantomime “Snow White” from Monday 6 to Saturday 11 December at Number 8, tel: 555488
· LOGS & WOODCHIPS FOR SALE in Tiddesley Wood, nr Pershore on Saturdays and Sundays 4 & 5 December and 8 & 9 January and the first weekends in February and March – 10am-1pm each day – in aid of Worcestershire Wildlife Trust. Leave Pershore on the B4084 towards Worcester and put satnavs on WR10 2AD
Finally …..
Two people contacted me to say they would like to help with KIT but not at the moment. And then John Powell said “I will take on KIT”. He was rather disappointed that I seem to express shock but it was the surprise I had that someone had offered – and that it was John who loves living in Fladbury, at the top of Paynes Lane, and I am delighted – thank you John!
The handover is now happening so future information for KIT needs to be emailed to or phone John on 07776 063252. The December KIT will include a bit of January so the deadline for the January KIT is Wednesday 5 January with the hope of circulation by Saturday 9 January.
I do thank everyone who has contributed to and circulated and delivered and read KIT since the first weekly edition at the beginning of the first lockdown – then Keeping In Touch. After 84 weekly publications, it went monthly in September. It is emailed to many people in Fladbury and to some people in neighbouring villages. If you do not wish your email address to be stored by please let me know.Otherwise you will continue to receive KIT and hopefully read it and may be contribute to it.
With every good wish for a Happy Christmas season in our village community or further afield and very best wishes for 2022,
With love, Jane X (tel: 860531, email: )
Sunday Church services
Lunches delivered
Monday Fladbury Art Group 2-4pm in the Village Hall
Pantomime rehearsals in Fladbury Village Hall
Tuesday Post Office in Lower Moor Hall 9am-12.30pm
Coffee & Chat 10am-12noon Village Hall in Cropthorne
Karate 6-7pm Fladbury Village Hall
Wednesday Games Cafe 10.30am-12noon Fladbury Village Hall
Thursday Post Office in Lower Moor Hall 9am-12.30pm
Butcher closed in the afternoon
Yoga in Fladbury Village Hall
Pantomime rehearsals in Fladbury Village Hall
Friday Coffee in Fladbury Social Club 9am-12noon
Saturday Coffee in Fladbury Social Club 10am-12noon
December 2021
Fri 3 Elves in Fladbury Social Club in the morning with Coffee & Cake
Wreath making 6pm Charlton Old Schoolroom
Quiz Night at Evesham Golf Club
Sat 4 Shoebox completion
Elves in Fladbury Social Club in the morning with Coffee & Cake
Log & Woodchip sales at Tiddesley Wood
Cropthorne Tea Party at 3.30pm at the Granary
Sun 5 Log & Woodchip sales at Tiddesley Wood
Tue 6 TULIP Coffee & Cake 10am-12noon in the Club
Fish & Chips 4.30pm outside the Anchor
Quiz night 7.30pm at the Anchor
Wed 8 Traditional Christmas Lunch at Holland House 860330
Wyre Piddle WI Christmas Party
Fri 10 Christmas Jumper Day and Human Rights Day
Charlton Chattery 2.30pm Old Schoolroom
Start taking small trees to Charlton Church
Sat 11 Orchard & Nature Reserve Work Party 10.30am-12noon
Mon 13 Fladbury Parish Council meet 7pm The Pavilion
Tue 14 Christmas Chocolate Bingo 7pm Cropthorne & Charlton Village Hall
Wed 15 Fladbury School Christmas Dinner & Parties
Thu 16 Carols in Lower Moor with the Salvation Army Band 7pm on the Playing Field car park
Fri 17 Wyre Piddle WI visit Fladbury Social Club for Coffee & Cake
Traditional Christmas Lunch & Carols at Holland House 860330
Schools break up
Sat 18 Festive Afternoon Tea at Holland House 860330
Sun 19 Traditional Christmas Lunch at Holland House 860330
Tue 21 Christmas Lunch & Carols at Holland House 860330
Wed 22 Carols round the Christmas tree on Anchor Green in Fladbury 6pm
Fri 31 Deadline for Five Alive Quiz answers
New Year’s Eve Party in Fladbury Social Club
And looking ahead in 2022….
Sun 9 Festive Five Run
Wed 12 Wyre Piddle WI New Year Lunch at The Thai Restaurant
5 & 6 Logs & Woodchips for sale in Tiddesley Wood
10, 11, 12 “Sleeping Beauty” panto in Fladbury Village Hall by the Fladbury Players – secretary Helen Jones 07891 443428
2 Ash Wednesday – Lent begins
5 & 6 Logs & Woodchips for sale in Tiddesley Wood
Sun 20 Mothering Sunday
Sun 17 Easter Day
1 & 2 Cropthorne Walkabout
2-5 The Queen’s Platinum Jubilee. So far, according to the website…..
Thursday 2 – Bank Holiday – Birthday Parade – Trooping the Colour – Beacons
Friday 3 – Bank Holiday – Service of Thanksgiving in St Paul’s
Saturday 4 – The Derby – Party at the Palace
Sunday 5 – Big Jubilee Lunch (street parties etc) – Platinum Pageant
JULY Fladbury Walkabout ?