Keeping In Touch 60
CLAP THE HEROES tonight, Thursday, at 8pm – the final week – with thanks to all who have taken extra care for us and each other over the last year – caring workers in hospitals and care homes, in schools and shops, carers and teachers at home, postmen and bin men and policemen and paramedics, researchers in science laboratories, jabbers in vaccination centres, volunteers in villages, reporters and entertainers on the television and radio – all who help and care…
Remember the Progressive supper? A year ago this Sunday – we were nudge-nudging then but we were certainly not socially distanced. With thanks to all the above and strength to keep obeying the rules, let’s hope we can gradually nudge-nudge towards socially gathering again
Ongoing notices – takeaway meals, gifts, yoga, food banks, litter picking, Roundabout charity – are at the end of this email
Friday 12 March –- Homemade lasagne with salad and crispy potatoes – £9
Sunday 14 March – MOTHERS’ Day – Roast Turkey breast and cranberry sauce OR Roast topside of Beef and Yorkshire pudding OR Homemade Steak and ale pie, all served with a selection of vegetables and potatoes – £9 each + Sunday desserts – Homemade pear and apple crumble OR Homemade Black Forest gateaux OR Lemon meringue roulade, all served with cream – £4 each
and delivery of AFTERNOON TEA between 4 and 5pm – selection of sandwiches, cheese and asparagus quiche, selection of homemade cakes and pastries, scones with Cornish clotted cream and strawberry preserve – for £12 per person
TO ORDER any of the above, please contact, as soon as possible, Carol-Anne and Nigel on 07866 670472
every Thursday evening, with free delivery. Menu attached – text or leave a voicemail for Vicky at food genie on 07737326183
from the Gardener’s Arms in Charlton over the weekend – order now on 01386 861146. See under “On going” for other takeaway meals
PAINT A PEBBLE FOR LENT and put them along the church path or somewhere round the village and share beauty and creativity and skill and words of peace and joy and hope and love and thankfulness
for sale, in time for Mothering Sunday this coming Sunday 14 March, in the porch of 6 Woodward Parks – £1 each – and attractive CANDLES– recycled and new – in aid of Zoe’s educational trip to Vietnam. Please contact Jane on email or ring 860531 to arrange take-away or delivery service. And from the same place…..
New Easter cards for sale – if anyone would like to buy some, please ring Jane as above
And also, Fladbury Community Orchard APPLE JUICE – £2.50 a bottle (£2 for members) – could make a gift for Mothers’ Day
The Five Alive PCC has prayerfully considered how locally to respond to the government’s Road Map out of lockdown, in respect of public worship. It is in our view, that the first significant lifting of restrictions for meeting indoors is from the 12th April (apart from schools and other educational settings), and therefore, a gradual return to public worship seems appropriate from after this date.
We are so mindful that this means a second year of not being in church for Passiontide, Holy Week and Easter – something that few, if any, would have imagined twelve months ago when the pandemic started to effect everyday life. We intend to open all five churches for individual private prayer (10.00am to 4.00pm) on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Eve, Easter Day, and Easter Monday. The churches will be stripped on Maundy Thursday and have modest decoration for Easter Day. We hope you will find comfort when coming into church during this time. (Private) Prayer will be said at each church on Easter Morning.
We are much encouraged by the number gathering online “Zoom” on Sunday evenings. We are grateful to everyone who contributes to each service, and for the way these services continue to evolve. Preparations are under way for online services on these days:
Sunday 28th March at 5.00pm – Palm Sunday – reading of the Passion Narrative.
Thursday 1st April at 6.00pm – Maundy Thursday – Reading and Prayers with Supper.
Friday 2nd April at 2.00pm – Good Friday – A Service for Good Friday
Sunday 4th April at 5.00pm – Easter Day – Praying Together on Sunday at 5’
Further details will be made available in the next fortnight. We shall continue to make paper copies of these services available to all who do not have access online. As we approach Holy Week, we shall also provide details of additional resources for worship. For reasons of online security, we do not make public the Zoom link, but if you would like to receive the link for these services, or for the Sunday evening services at 5.00pm, please let Sarah know; and she will forward them. If you are not online and would like to receive a paper copy of the services, please let Carole know 860389.
We are grateful for all whose efforts are helping others stay safe, and whose work contributes to the vaccination programme. Our hope and intention is to return to public worship on Sunday 25th April. We look forward to a time thereafter to enjoy each other’s company socially and “in person” again.
Revd Sarah, and Celia Willis, and Meredith Debenham as Parish Wardens on behalf of the Five Alive PCC
Road Closure – Station Road
This is due to come into force today, Thursday, March 11th, for three days. To facilitate access to the school and for residents, the actual closure will be from 8.45 am until 2.45 pm on each day.
Dog Mess – Recreation Ground
This continues to be a serious problem. It is not only DISGUSTING, completely INCONSIDERATE, it is UNLAWFUL and can attract a fine of up to £1,000.
CLEAR UP AFTER YOUR DOG and use the bins provided.
If you see somebody ignoring this, take them to task, take a picture – SHAME THEM!
The ground is in daily use and football and cricket will be restarting soon so let’s STOP this NOW.
Ian Southcott – Chair, tel: 861061, email: – for the Parish Council
Clerk – Lynne Yapp, tel: 01386 552233, email:
Is open on Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings in the garage of the Manor on Station Road for homemade bread and sweet treats? Bread can be pre-ordered – just ring Moira on 861744.
Sunday 14 March – Mothering Sunday
Friday 19 March – Red Nose Day
Census Day – Sunday 21 March – for more information visit www.census
Sunday 28 March – clocks Spring forward 1 hour for summertime!
Monday 29 March – outdoor ‘Rule of Six’ gatherings allowed – hopefully
Wednesday 31 March – Fladbury no-Walkabout Meeting on Zoom
Sunday 4 April – Easter Day
Monday 12 April – keep on hoping…..
is next week, on Friday 19 March. Fladbury School are celebrating by asking the children to pay £1 to either come dressed in red, (red hair, red clothes etc) or dressed as a superhero and pay £1 to enter a virtual talent contest.
Vanessa of the Chantry has created some fantastic RED NOSE masks for sale, along with the opportunity to donate to Comic Relief. To order, please ring Vanessa on 01386 860576.
Shall we all wear something RED on Red Nose Day? Donations in an envelope can be put through the letter boxes of the School or Vanessa at The Chantry.
Did you do the Quiz last week? If you did and would like more, please email me, Jane, at or ring 860531
Jigsaw Puzzles
From next week, No 10 in Butt Furlong is no longer able to provide a porch in which the puzzle swaps can take place. Is anyone able to offer their porch? If you can, please contact Lou by email – – or phone 07968 252847,
Christine Hewson has a felt roll mat for jigsaws to give away – please phone 07713 272715 if you are interested.
Another word puzzle – sent in by John Prichard – see how many words you can create from C – EAEAGNRR. Rules – the first letter has to be used in each word, minimum of 3 letters per word, each letter can only be used only once in a word, no plurals allowed. Target (in 3 minutes) – Fair 6, Good 10, Very Good 14, Excellent 19. These puzzles are available from
Thanks again to Mike Dunning for sending the website for Monty Don – – his tips and advice are clear and relevant
And again, please don’t forget…..
If you need some help or information or just a chat, our Signpost people will oblige…..
Louise Bugg, Friends of Fladbury – 07968 252847, email:
The Revd Sarah Dangerfield – 861669, email: ;
Ian Southcott, Chair of the Parish Council – 861061, email:
Finally, in all our efforts to find ways of getting through the pandemic, we have not forgotten those who have had the virus or those who have lost relatives and friends with the virus.
Love Jane X
KIT creator, tel: 860531, email:
On going…..
· Donations from Charlton –.Charlton Church porch is open each day from 10.00am to 4.00 pm with a box to receive donations. Please give generously all non-perishable food items eg cereals, tinned foods and soups, tea/coffee, sugar, biscuits, pasta, rice, UHT milk, instant mash, together with basic toiletries. On entering the porch, please do ensure you adhere to Government Covid guidelines and general safety. If everyone were to regularly donate at least one item it would be a great help. Thank you for your generosity – Julian Hawley 860420
· Fladbury Church Porch – donations are welcome and are collected frequently for delivery to the foodbank – Carol Rosier 554410
New Ocean blue Signature Boxes . . . .
My new Signature boxes have been hand-picked with luxurious professional products. Perfect for you to enjoy or to be able to gift to a loved one.
I have selected four boxes just for you – The Nail, Facial, Body & Bathe and the Ultimate – for your indulgence.
Mother’s Day is just around the corner and wouldn’t this be an absolutely fantastic opportunity to give the gift of an Ocean blue Signature Box?! Also available for Birthdays, Special Occasions, Get Well Soon and, don’t forget, I can personalise for your every requirement.
Available by going to or ring me, Katie, on 07977181001
Furniture donations – an article in the Evesham Journal says that Roundabout, the furniture re-use charity in Blackminster, is appealing for donations of essential items for those in need during lockdown. Items need to be in good condition, re-usable, suitable for modern small houses or flats and with fire safety labels where appropriate. Roundabout staff collect suitable items in a covid secure manner. For further information, go to or email
Kat Powles of Woodward Parks, email, applied to Wychavon to be a local litter picker and has received
Litter pick stick
Hoop ring (to hold the bag open)
Heavy duty gloves
Roll of bags
High visibility vest
She volunteered to do Woodward Parks! But she and her two young children, Griff and Constance, have already done a little more – Kat is trying to find suitable equipment for children to use.
Please contact Kat if you would like to know more – email or tel: 861380 – and perhaps volunteer to pick up litter in another street – sadly there will be a greater need as the weather improves – but we want the weather to improve!
I’m trying to gauge how much interest there would be for a chair Yoga, Zoom Yoga session – initially at this stage, a one-off session with a view to more, depending on interest. There is so much you can still do from a chair which can be extremely beneficial to someone who has reduced mobility. At a time when it’s even more difficult to get out and exercise it will be useful but also an opportunity for those who perhaps aren’t able to see others at the mo, a friendly group to join while having a nice stretch. Please do contact me if you are interested
Carly Wickens of Broadway Lane – phone 07876193655 or
Tessa Bailey emails “I’ve managed to keep my yoga going on line, using Zoom, with new and existing clients, using modifications for those that find standing difficult.” For more information, contact Tessa on email – or telephone 01386 860261
· Chestnut Tree Inn, Lower Moor – better now and back every Friday and Saturday 4pm till 8 pm – Fish & chips, Scampi & chips, Southern fried chicken & chips, Warm duck salad, Burger & fries, Sausage, egg, chips & beans and Sausage, egg, chips & beans – all £8.95 each meal. To order and book a time slot, phone 860380
· Gardener’s Arms, Charlton – 861146 – open for collection 4.30pm-7.30pm on Fridays and Saturdays, telephone from 2pm to order. Also Sunday lunch and Pizzas Order now on 01386 861146
· The Bell at Cropthorne – 861860 or Order by 2pm for collection between 6pm and 8pm on Friday and Saturday nights. Also weekend specials and Sunday roasts
· Kaur’s Spice Kitchen from Throckmorton Parish Hall between 5.30pm and 6.30pm on Fridays – orders must be placed by midnight on Thursday – phone 07545 392632
Pershore Volunteer Centre run a weekly telephone chat scheme and are needing more telephone befriending volunteers. If you would like to find out more, please call the office on (01386) 554299