Keeping In Touch 63
Easter Day is on Sunday!
Easter Cards are still available from my porch at 6 Woodward Parks – new with envelopes – 50p or 30p each – in aid of charities including The Leprosy Mission Also for sale, gifts and Easter novelties, including a crème egg in an egg cup for £1, in aid of Zoe’s educational trip to Vietnam. Please contact me, Jane 860531, to arrange take-away or delivery service!
Lunches and Teas served on Good Friday and Easter Day – please see below and contact Carol-Anne and Nigel NOW if you wish to place orders
Painted Pebbles – put your pebbles along church paths, looking forward to Easter – my neighbour Carol Worthington (an expert!) and I have put ours along Fladbury Church path and I hear there are several in Lower Moor Church garden
The Bread Shed is open on Thursday, Friday and Saturday – but not Sunday – this week in the garage of the Manor on Station Road for homemade bread and sweet treats. Bread can be pre-ordered – just ring Moira on 861744. After this Saturday Moira is having a break for a couple of weeks to spend some time with the family and thanks everyone for their support so far.
Fladbury Pies & Sausages – open Good Friday, Saturday and Tuesday from 7am to 12 noon – not open on Easter Sunday or Bank Holiday Monday
Churches open over the Easter weekend – there will be Easter gardens and flowers, and even more flowers in our churchyards, but no services until Sunday 25 April as you will see in……
We shall be pleased to welcome you to our “online” services on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Day, and all Sunday services. Please let me, Sarah, know – – if you would like to receive the Zoom links for each. All these services, including the reflections, are available for printing from the Five Alive website and can be read individually at home.
Thursday 1st April at 6.00pm – Maundy Thursday – Supper at Home with readings, prayer, and music. It has long been a tradition in the Five Alive for small groups to gather in homes on Maundy Thursday evening to share a simple meal together and to read the gospel account of Jesus’ Last Supper with his friends; and then to reassemble in church to continue the act of remembrance before Good Friday. This year, we are all invited to sit down at table at 6.00pm with a bowl of soup and bread, individually at home, and together “online” via Zoom for a short service of readings, prayer, and music.
Friday 2nd April at 2.00pm – Good Friday – A Service for Good Friday – readings, prayer, and music.
Sunday 4th April at 5.00pm – Easter Day – Praying Together on Sunday at 5’ – readings, prayer, and music.
All five churches will be open for individual private prayer (10.00am to 4.00pm) on Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter Eve, Easter Day, and Easter Monday. Churches will have an Easter Garden and modest flower decorations for Easter Day. We hope you will find comfort when coming into church during this time. It is our hope and intention to return to public worship on Sunday 25th April. We look forward to a time thereafter to enjoy each other’s company socially and “in person” again. Meanwhile…..
Best wishes for a joyful Easter!
Revd Sarah
Good Friday 2 April – Homemade Steak and ale pie OR Salmon Fillet served with a prawn and paprika sauce, both served with fresh seasonal vegetables and potatoes–– £9
Easter Sunday 4 April – – Roast Leg of lamb served with mint sauce OR Roast Turkey breast served with cranberry sauce, both served with fresh seasonal vegetables and potatoes – £9 each meal + Sunday desserts -, Homemade Fruit crumble, Homemade Tiramisu, and Pecan nut and treacle dessert, all served with fresh cream – £4 each.
We are also offering AFTERNOON TEAS on Good Friday and Easter Day – menu attached – £12 each
TO ORDER any of the above, please contact AS SOON AS POSSIBLE, Carol-Anne and Nigel on 07866 670472
every Thursday evening, with free delivery. Text or leave a message for Vicky at food genie on 07737326183
TAKEAWAY MEALS are listed later under Ongoing notices
Another word puzzle – sent in by John Prichard – see how many words you can create from L OIIUNLMP. Rules – the first letter has to be used in each word, minimum of 3 letters per word, each letter can only be used only once in a word, no plurals allowed. Target (in 3 minutes) – Fair 8, Good 13, Very Good 19, Excellent 24. These puzzles are available from
Jigsaw Puzzles – Sue Hildesley still has jigsaw puzzles in her porch at Spring Cottage in Lazy Lane for borrowing and swapping. If you have any queries, please contact Sue on 861237.
Colouring – see the attached sheet of Easter eggs to colour
Take a walk through the Fladbury Community Orchard & Nature Reserve and see springtime blossoming – but please avoid walking on the wildflower meadow or in the pond to protect the new growth of spring. (For those who don’t know where the Orchard and Nature Reserve are, from the centre of the village, fork left just before the railway bridge and follow the grass lane)
LOCKDOWN EASING confirmed by Wychavon
The second part of step one of the Prime Minister’s lockdown easing road map began on Monday 29 March. From that date….
- You can meet outdoors either in a group of six (from any number of households), or in a group of any size from up to two households (each household can include existing support bubbles, if eligible)
- You can take part in formally organised outdoor sports with any number of people (outdoor sports venues and facilities will be able to reopen)
- Childcare and supervised activities will be allowed outdoors for all children
- Formally organised parent and child groups will be able to take place outdoors for up to fifteen attendees. Children under five will not be not counted in this number
From 1 April, if you have been identified as clinically extremely vulnerable you will no longer be advised to shield. However, you should continue to take extra precautions to protect yourself. It is important you continue to keep the number of social interactions you have low and try to limit the amount of time you spend in settings where you are unable to maintain social distancing.
Starting tomorrow (written a day or two ago) we will be spreading liquid digestate on some of the grass fields at Springhill, including what we call the ‘Fladbury Field’ down Broadway Lane.
We will be using dribble bars on the tankers to place the digestate directly onto the soil/grass, reducing any odour considerably.
We need to get this nutrition onto the crops while the weather remains dry to avoid dragging mud out onto the roads, and by the forecast it looks like the current dry spell might end after this weekend.
Ian Southcott – Chair, tel: 861061, email: – for the Parish Council
Clerk – Lynne Yapp, tel: 01386 552233, email:
Please find attached a letter from Network Rail (Fladbury Noise letter) concerning work to be carried out on the River Avon railway bridge. The parishes of Fladbury, Charlton and Cropthorne have been in discussion with Network Rail for many weeks trying to establish the impact of this project. Not least of these impacts is around 200 heavy lorry movements which will access the site from Sidings Lane in Charlton. The route to Sidings Lane has not yet been advised but it will be either through Fladbury from the A44 or through Charlton and/or Cropthorne from the B4084.
We meet with Network Rail again next Tuesday in the hope of getting more answers.
Ian Southcott, Chair, Fladbury Parish Council –
Roger Davies, Chair, Charlton Parish Council –
Rowlings, our local garden centre in Cropthorne, telephone 01386 860793, are busy getting ready to open after Easter, on Thursday 8 April. From 10.30am to 4pm and then on Fridays and Saturdays for the spring and summer season. For new people to the area, from Fladbury, go to Cropthorne and, when meeting the main road, turn left to Evesham and then VERY soon turn left into Rowlings – spacious area for parking
· Seeds, plants, trees and shrubs are producing new growth in field and garden and churchyard, orchard and nature reserve, ponds and water features IF people and dogs do not walk, run or trample on them!
· On Wednesday morning, Simone was in the Church Woodland and spotted an otter in the River Avon. Apparently they have left the Avon in Stratford because the area was getting too busy.
· Weeds growing and grass growing have led to more use of the refuse bins at the side of the church but there seems to be some confusion. The lids of the three bins are all labelled – one GREEN BIN is for grass and weeds and dead real flowers and leaves for composting in the churchyard compost area. The second GREEN BIN is for paper and thin cardboard and glass bottles and plastic bottles and tin cans, for recycling by Wychavon. The BLACK BIN is for all other rubbish– plastic bags and bits and pieces and, if impossible to take elsewhere, dog poo in a bag – collected by Wychavon. Sometimes there is a mixture in the bins – for the system to work well, we have to make sure the bins are correctly used.
Marilyn Williams, President of Fladbury & Moor WI, emailed on Tuesday “It is with a heavy heart that this afternoon Fladbury & Moor WI was suspended as a new committee could not be formed. We were hoping to merge with Cropthorne with Charlton but they have suspended as well and a lot of members did not want to travel to Wyre Piddle”. Fladbury WI was formed in March 1930 and a 90th Birthday Party was held last March, just before lockdown, in Fladbury Village Hall, attended by WI members from Fladbury, Lower Moor and neighbouring groups and county officials. Discussion are taking place about holding similar meetings and events without the WI “umbrella”.
Unfortunately, Zoom let us down for our scheduled meeting this week so another meeting is planned for Tuesday 6 April to discuss and plan a Fladbury Village Event over a weekend in early July. If you do not receive an invitation and would like to join the meeting, please let us know and we can forward it to you. We will be looking for ideas for activities and events to be held outside during that weekend so put your thinking caps on and either email them to us or come along to the meeting.
From Walkabout Co-Chair Steve Curtis and Ian Southcott
( and
Fladbury Players are seeking new members to join the committee. This exciting opportunity that lets you be part of the planning and development of the group and its famous productions. If you are interested in joining us please contact me, Helen Jones, Fladbury Players Secretary on 07891443428/01386 860352 or email . Advance notice of upcoming performances – we are hoping to have a Murder Mystery event in late October/early November and the panto has been rescheduled for late January 2022 or if this is not possible in early April. If you have any queries please contact Helen or visit our Facebook page: Fladbury Players. We look forward to entertaining you.
Monday 12 April – keep on hoping for more loosening of lockdown
Monday 19 April – Annual Parish Meeting by Zoom
Thursday 6 May – local elections – post office closed in Lower Moor
Weekend in July – Fladbury Village event
Talking of dates…..
I am willing to publish births, marriages and deaths in KIT if I am told about them.
Thank you
We, Colin and Shirley Martin, thank our daughter Ruth and son-in-law Vic and family and friends for the cards, gifts and good wishes which made our Diamond Wedding Anniversary such a special day.
Happy Birthday
Congratulations and every good wish to Davild Miller of 3 The Manor House, Coach Drive, who celebrates his 70th Birthday on Saturday 3 April. David used to be seen walking his dog a lot in Fladbury and was once secretary of the Fladbury Walkabout.
· Sarah Jarvis emailed “Milk bottle tops can be donated to “Lush” shop in Worcester to be ground up and made into a plastic sheet or bottle board that is used for shop furniture.” For more information, go to To help reduce throw-away plastic, I wonder if someone would be prepared to arrange the collection of all sorts of small plastic bottled tops? Please let me, Jane, know.
· 3 SINGLE BEDS – surplus to requirements, a pair of very good quality and in good condition, slightly old-fashioned, single divan beds and mattresses, with brown velvet headboards and a single bed with sliding door cupboards underneath and no mattress. I hate sending them to the tip but charities won’t take them without fire labels. FREE for the taking or delivery can be arranged – if interested, please ring me, Jane, on 01386 860531
STILL IN LOCKDOWN but we can still keep in touch and perhaps even see each other. If you need to know more, please contact our lockdown signpost people …..
The Revd Sarah Dangerfield – 861669, email: ;
Ian Southcott, Chair of the Parish Council – 861061, email:
or give me a ring. Meanwhile, I hope you have the joys of Easter, warm or cool, and the beauty of blossoming spring in our villages and countryside, with
Love Jane X KIT creator, tel: 860531, email:
On going…..
FACEMASKS – Vanessa has a huge variety of facemasks. To order, please email or ring Vanessa on 01386 860576.
OCEAN BLUE – Katie is taking bookings from 12 April – go to or ring Katie, on 07977181001.
· Charlton Church porch is open each day from 10am to 4 pm with a box to receive donations of non-perishable food items eg cereals, tinned foods and soups, tea/coffee, sugar, biscuits, pasta, rice, UHT milk, instant mash, together with basic toiletries. Thank you for your generosity– Julian Hawley 860420
· Fladbury Church Porch is also open for donations. Thanks to Carol Rosier for helping to organise the collection for some years. Christine Farrell has now taken over from Carol and, because she also works at the foodbank, knows that, in addition to the above, particular needs are tinned rice puddings and tinned custard, sponge puddings and small packets of sugar. If you have any queries, please ring Christine on 861689
· Financial donations are also welcome so that purchases can be made when certain supplies run low. Cash can be put in an envelope and given to Christine. Money can be donated by bacs with a standing order or a one-off donation. Pershore Foodbank bank account details are sort code: 20 98 61, account No: 50714356.
FURNITURE DONATIONS – an article in the Evesham Journal says that Roundabout, the furniture re-use charity in Blackminster, is appealing for donations of essential items for those in need during lockdown. Items need to be in good condition, re-usable, suitable for modern small houses or flats and with fire safety labels where appropriate. Roundabout staff collect suitable items in a covid secure manner. For further information, go to or email
LITTER PICKING – Kat Powles of Woodward Parks is a Wychavon local litter picker and more are applying! If you want to know more, email Kat on email or telephone 861380.
CHAIR YOGA – if interested, please do contact me if you are interested Carly Wickens of Broadway Lane – phone 07876193655 or
YOGA on line using Zoom – for more information, contact Tessa Bailey on email – or telephone 01386 860261
· Chestnut Tree Inn, Lower Moor – Friday and Saturday 4pm till 8 pm – Fish & chips, Scampi & chips, Southern fried chicken & chips, Warm duck salad, Burger & fries, Sausage, egg, chips & beans and Sausage, egg, chips & beans – all £8.95 each meal. To order and book a time slot, phone 860380
· Gardener’s Arms, Charlton – 861146 – open for collection 4.30pm-7.30pm on Fridays and Saturdays, telephone from 2pm to order. Also Sunday lunch and Pizzas Order now on 01386 861146
· The Bell at Cropthorne – 861860 or Order by 2pm for collection between 6pm and 8pm on Friday and Saturday nights. Also weekend specials
· Kaur’s Spice Kitchen from Throckmorton Parish Hall between 5.30pm and 6.30pm on Fridays – orders must be placed by midnight on Thursday – phone 07545 392632