Fladbury KIT – April 2022
The April edition contains details of a large number of events. Particular things to look out for in this issue…..Fladbury Cricket Club needs players…..Get your tickets for The Fladbury Players’ pantomime Sleeping Beauty…..There are table top and plant sales for Alzheimer’s Research UK…..Fladbury Walkabout needs a few hours of your time…..We have an outline of events for Fladbury’s Jubilee Celebrations…..It’s not too late to paint a pebble for Lent…..And Jane could do with some help with her clutter!
If you have something for KIT, please get in touch with John Powell, KIT editor. Please send contributions for the May edition by the end of Wednesday 27th April to: fladburykit@gmail.com. To access previous editions and to subscribe: https://us20.campaign-archive.com/home/?u=26de73450a75eaead67edbcbb&id=4bdde08e02
The full KIT newsletter is available for download here: