Charlton Village in Worcestershire

General News

West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner Budget for 2023/2024

John Campion, West Mercia’s Police and Crime Commissioner has announced that he has secured the backing of the Police and Crime Panel to boost local policing, with additional resources focused on making West Mercia safer. 

The PCC’s 2023/4 budget proposals will see £14.3m more funding available for policing, delivering the priorities of communities across West Mercia.   

The budget will see 40 additional officers recruited to increase West Mercia numbers to the highest on record, which will enable new community crime fighting teams (totalling 55 officers) to be established. 

At a meeting on Friday 3 February, the Police and Crime Panel confirmed the PCC’s proposals to increase the precept 5.94%, or an extra 29p per week. 

This will mean an average Band D household will pay £246.50 a year – the fourth lowest increase in council tax when compared to other PCCs since 2016.

You download and read the full announcement, including further details of plans to tackle the causes of crime and harm in local communities, bringing more offenders to justice and preventing crime by copying and pasting the link below into your browser:

Fladbury KIT – February 2023

The latest edition of Fladbury KIT is available for download now. This edition contains information on forthcoming events including a PTA Bingo night on Friday 3rd February, the Five Villages Prom on Friday 10th March, a coach trip to Bath on Tuesday 18th April, Wychavon Parish Games to be held in June and late October/early November and an update from Jane Bugg on the pollution issues in the River Avon.

You can download this edition of KIT at:

Police and Crime Commissioner January 2023 Newsletter

The January newsletter from John Campion, West Mercia Police and Crime commissioner is now available for download. It contains articles on the opportunity for John to put your questions to the Chief Constable of West Mercia, the opportunity to complete a survey regarding your confidence in the West Mercia’s police force, confirmation that alcohol related incidents in the region have decreased, the recruitment of 40 new recruits to the region’s police force and much more.

You can download the complete newsletter here (don’t worry about the reference to August, the link does work!)

Have you ever thought about becoming a councillor?

Parish and District council elections will take place in May 2023. Anyone wanting to know more about what becoming a councillor entails should attend one of these online Q & A sessions. Remember to register as detailed at the bottom of the poster.

New roadworks on B4084 (Pershore Road) and B4624 (Worcester Road) Evesham

Wales and West Utilities will be carrying out work on the B4084, Pershore Road, between Tuesday 3rd January and Friday 24th February. Traffic flow will be controlled by temporary multi-way signals. The work to be carried out by Severn Trent Water (as designated by the tap symbol on the map below) will not result in any carriageway incursions).

Also, Severn Trent Water will be carrying out work at locations on the B4624 (Worcester Road) between Tuesday 3rd January and Monday 26th June. Traffic flow will be controlled by temporary 2-way traffic signals.

Police and Crime Commissioner’s December Newsletter

This month’s newsletter gives everyone the opportunity to have their say on the 2023/24 budget proposals.

These proposals include recruiting special constables to increase visible policing in your communities, allocating more resources to investigations to increase outcomes for victims, introducing a new Sexual Assault Referral Centre to deliver a better service for victims and much more.

The online consultation closes at midday on Friday 6 January 2023 so you will need to act fast if you want your views to be heard. There is a link to complete the survey in the newsletter, which you can download here: