Charlton Village in Worcestershire

General News

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PCC June Newsletter

The latest e-newsletter from John Campion, West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner is available for download here:

This month’s edition includes articles on:

  • A 23% decrease in anti-social behaviour
  • The results of the recent Confidence Survey
  • The recent seizure of Class “A” drugs at an address in Pershore
  • The recent arrest of a man suspected of the theft of a large quantity of solar panels
  • A consultation among Pershore residents to understand the concerns of local people

and much more.

Fladbury KIT – July edition

The July edition of Fladbury KIT is available for download here:

This month’s edition contains details of:

  • Charlton Country Fair on Saturday 24th June
  • Fladbury Walkabout on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd July
  • Fladbury Fun Run and Walk on Sunday 2nd July
  • The Great Fladbury Bake Off on Saturday 2nd September (including details of how to enter)
  • News from the Parish Council, Neighbourhood Watch and the Church

and much more

Rural Beat Newsletter – Summer 2023 edition

The latest edition of the newsletter from South Worcestershire Police’s Rural and Business Crime Team which includes tips on:

  • how to avoid domestic burglaries
  • how to avoid theft of and from vehicles
  • how to report suspicious activity, people and vehicles
  • opportunities for farmers to meet members of the rural crime team and obtain advice on farm security

and much more, is available for download here:

Have your say on planning in Worcestershire

The planning consultation database for the county is being refreshed and Worcestershire County Council would like to invite residents and businesses to register so that they can have their say on planning matters.

The Council plays a significant planning role across the whole of Worcestershire including policies and strategies about minerals and waste and major infrastructure projects like new railway stations and bridges.

Councillor Marc Bayliss, Worcestershire County Councillor with Responsibility for Economy Infrastructure and Skills, said:

“Community engagement plays a vital role in the way we make our plans, and I cordially invite residents and businesses to register to participate and influence this process.

Our work includes developing important strategies relating to ecology and biodiversity that make Worcestershire distinct and special, as well as planning for infrastructure such as schools and highway projects.

This is a great way for people to hear about what is going on and get involved in the planning work we do.”

You can find out how to sign up to be consulted about the topics you are interested in and see a more detailed explanation of what each topic area covers by visiting:

Wychavon Business News – May 2023

The latest edition of Wychavon District Council’s Business e-newsletter is available for download here:

This month’s edition contains articles on setting up apprenticeships for your business and the financial help available from Wychavon, Evesham’s Basepoint centre which offers professional offices and a business address for start-ups and small businesses, a new 2-year project which aims to stimulate the development and growth of community enterprises that provide a wide range of help and support for older and disabled people, and much more.

Download and read the full e-newsletter now.

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