Wychavon Email News 16th July 2021
You can download the latest edition of Wychavon’s email newsletter including information on the new pattern of electoral wards being developed for Wychavon District Council and the opportunity to make your views heard:
Meet The Police Safer Neighbourhood Team
West Mercia Police have issued the following poster introducing the local Safer Neighbourhood Team including those officers who cover Evesham Town South and Rural West districts, which includes Charlton.

Wychavon Community Development Newsletter July 2021
Wychavon District Council’s Arts Development Team has just issued their latest newsletter including articles on the opening of the Pershore Wellbeing Hub, The Evesham Weekend Festival, Worcester’s Big Parade, the Evesham Festival of Words and much more. You can download the complete newsletter here:
South Worcestershire Police Rural Beat Newsletter Summer 2021

The latest newsletter from the South Worcestershire Police Rural and Business Crime Team including items on prevention of thefts of trailers, deterring farm burglaries, prevention of dog thefts, how to sign up to the new West Mercia Police community messaging service “Neighbourhood Matters” and an opportunity to meet the Rural and Business Crime Team can be downloaded here:
What to Do if You’ve Been Scammed
A new ‘fraudwave’ of sophisticated new cons have even cyber crime experts falling for them and losing thousands of pounds according to the Daily Telegraph. The number of text scams has risen sharply during the Coronavirus emergency as criminals try to take advantage of the unique circumstances of the pandemic.
According to credit-reporting agency Credit Karma, more than half of Brits (53 per cent) have been targeted by text scams since lockdown began in March last year – and almost a third of us have fallen for them. The average person receives four scam messages a week, it believes.
Hoaxes purporting to be from Royal Mail and PayPal are most likely to have caught us out, but fraudsters posing as the NHS and HMRC are also proving successful. Chances are high that at some point in the past year you’ll have received a message on your mobile enticing, cajoling or scaring you into putting your money at risk.
If you believe you are the victim of a scam, report it to Action Fraud, actionfraud.police.uk.
Suspicious texts should be forwarded free of charge to 7726 – this reports the message to the mobile operator to investigate, and is how such activity gets shut down.
If you’ve been affected, contact thecyberhelpline.com, a volunteer organisation that helps victims of cyber crime.
For more advice, visit takefive-stopfraud.org.uk
Wychavon Business News Update 2nd July 2021
The latest edition of Wychavon District Council’s Business newsletter deals with issues such as Changes to the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme from July 2021, New business start-up support, Self-Employment Income Support Scheme fifth grant and much more. You can download and view the full newsletter here:
Wychavon Planning News – Consultation Process Regarding Provision of New Sites for Travellers and Travelling Show People
Wychavon District Council have published details of the consultation process regarding provision of new sites for Travellers and Travelling Show People as part of the ongoing South Worcestershire Development Plan. Members of the public are urged to read the consultation document and post comments as appropriate. You can read a summary of the article at:
where you will also find the link to the consultation document. Paper copies of the proposals are available at the Public Libraries in Evesham and Pershore.
Closing date for the submission of comments is Monday 5th July. Also, for interested parties, there is a public briefing scheduled for Tuesday 25th May via Zoom.
Wychavon Business News Email – May 2021
You can read the latest edition of Wychavon District Council’s email news for businesses including articles on funded support for Worcestershire businesses, the Government’s £20M Brexit Support fund, an invitation to Worcestershire’s online Sustainability Forum and much more here:
Worcestershire County Council Election Results May 2021
You can view an interactive map showing the results of the elections on May 6th across the county here:
Wychavon Community Development Email – May 2021
The latest email newsletter from Wychavon’s Arts Development team contains details of the call for artists to join Worcestershire Open Studios with new year-round format, the re-opening of Number 8’s coffee bar in Pershore, the latest productions by the Festival Players, Broadway Arts Festival and much more. You can read the full email at: