Wychavon E-mail News – How recycling can help fight climate change

The latest edition of Wychavon District Council’s e-mail newsletter highlights the benefits of recycling everything from empty deodorant and hairspray aerosols to empty washing up liquid bottles. You can read the full newsletter containing a list of items which can be safely placed in your recycling bin:
PCC Newsletter – September 2021
West Mercia Police and Crime Commissioner John Campion’s latest newsletter can be downloaded using the link below.
Topics covered in this edition include the appointment of Pippa Mills as the new Chief Constable, replacing the retiring Anthony Bangham, a reminder that there is still time to make your views known on the proposed Safer West Mercia plan which is open until 1st November, notification that more than £350,000 is going towards supporting victims of domestic abuse and sexual violence across West Mercia and a new initiative to reduce the menace of fly tipping across West Mercia. There is also a reminder that new average speed cameras have been installed along the A449 Worcester to Kidderminster dual carriageway.
Download the full newsletter at:
Wychavon Business News – The Pillar Open Morning Thursday 14th October
The latest edition of Wychavon’s Business e-Newsletter gives details of an open morning to be held at their inspiring, new workspace, which is opening its doors between 10am-2pm on Thursday 14 October for remote workers, microbusinesses, and new start-ups to check it out. Businesses that move into one of The Pillar’s five offices will have access to a support package of advice, mentoring and grant funding from Worcestershire Growth Hub.
You can download the full newsletter giving full details of the event and how to register to attend at:
You can also see additional details of the facilities offered at The Pillar at:
Worcestershire Minerals Local Plan – Latest Status
As part of the Examination in Public (EIP) of the Minerals Local Plan (MLP) Worcestershire County Council is consulting on proposed main modifications to the plan, consequential changes proposed to the policies map (part of the Interactive Minerals Mapping Tool), and the accompanying assessments (updated Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulations Assessment, Equality Impact Assessment, and Health Impact Assessment) for a period of six weeks from Tuesday 31 August 2021 to 5pm on Tuesday 12 October 2021.
All consultation documents, together with details of how to respond, are available on the Examination Programme Officer’s website – see: http://www.hwa.uk.com/projects/worcestershire-minerals-lp-examination/
Consultation previously started on 2 August 2021, but the Council identified that the proposed modifications to the crushed rock Mineral Safeguarding Areas were not shown correctly on the draft policies map (part of the Interactive Minerals Mapping Tool due to the data having become corrupted. The crushed rock Mineral Safeguarding Areas displayed on the draft policies map therefore did not fully reflect the modifications proposed to Figure 7.1 within the Schedule of Main Modifications (see reference MM ab2 and Appendix E of the Schedule of Main Modifications). The previous consultation was therefore terminated on 10 August to ensure that representations about matters affected by the policies map would not be materially disadvantaged by being based on incorrect information.
This issue has now been rectified, and the consultation is being restarted.
It should be noted that the issue was limited to how the data supporting the Minerals Local Plan was displayed in the online interactive mapping tool and did not affect the policies or any other wording of the proposed modifications to the Minerals Local Plan, or any of the accompanying assessments.
Those representations which were submitted before the original consultation was terminated will be taken into account, unless the consultee indicates in writing that they wish to withdraw or alter their representations.
Further delay to the SWDP Review
The review of the South Worcestershire Development Plan has been delayed again.
The decision is to give more time for vital technical studies to be completed.
It means the plan now won’t be published in October 2021 ready for public consultation and submission for independent examination in February 2022.
A new timetable is being drawn up for the publication and submission of the plan. This will be put before Malvern Hills District, Worcester City and Wychavon District Councils for approval in the near future.
Cllr Tony Rowley, Chair of the SWDP Joint Advisory Panel, said: “It is disappointing we have had to delay the review again but completing the technical studies is important to provide the evidence base to make sure we have a robust and sound plan.
“We will make sure this work is carried out and a new timetable published as soon as possible.”
The revised SWDP, sets out how a Government requirement to build another 14,000 new homes across Malvern Hills District, Worcester City and Wychavon by 2041 will be met. This is on top of the need for 28,400 new homes by 2030, more than half of which have already been built, set out in the current plan.
Fake Wetherspoon meal voucher competition
Which? magazine reports that fake meal vouchers for Wetherspoon pubs are being promoted on Facebook, despite the chain shutting all its social media accounts in 2018.
Users who comment on the posts published by the pages imitating the pub chain are told that they will win meal vouchers if they receive comments from Wetherspoon. But these comments come from scammers who have set up the pages.
Wetherspoon’s website states that: ‘Wetherspoon does not use any social media. Any promotions on social media which appear to be from Wetherspoon are, therefore, unofficial and fake – so please do not participate or share your details with such adverts. ‘We will continue to report fake pages and do apologise for any inconvenience caused by these unassociated spam accounts.’
Wychavon email News – Impact of HGV Driver Shortage on Services
The latest edition of Wychavon District Council’s email newsletter can be downloaded using the link bellow. The man focus is on the current shortage of HGV drivers which is impacting the delivery of a number of council services including the temporary suspension of bulky waste collections, however, collection of household rubbish and recycling, garden waste, business waste and recycling will continue as normal. Litter, dog poo and on-street recycling bins will continue to be emptied.
In addition, mechanical road and pavement sweeping is being prioritised for emergencies only, such as dealing with broken glass, blood etc.
The annual deep clean of town centres, which includes street washing and gum removal, has been delayed until the situation improves.
You can download the full newsletter here:
Changes to the Highway Code: rules on using motorways
Important news from the Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency
If you’re learning to drive or ride, you’ll no doubt be studying the Highway Code to learn the rules of the road.
From today there are changes to the rules on using motorways, so it’s as important as ever that you “check the Code” – and continue to do so on a regular basis.
For life, not just learners
The rules in the Highway Code are updated when there are changes in the law.
New rules may be added while you are preparing for your practical test, or after you have passed. There have been 15 changes since 2015 alone.
That means it’s really important to stay up to date, whether you’ve only had one lesson or held a licence for years.
Most recent changes
The changes made as of today refer to guidance on smart motorways. A total of 33 existing rules will be amended and two new rules introduced, with a number of amendments made to the additional information annexes.
These include:
- clearer advice on where to stop in an emergency
- the importance of not driving in a lane closed by a Red X
- the use of variable speed limits to manage congestion
- updated guidance on key factors that contribute to safety-related incidents, including unroadworthy vehicles, tailgating and driving in roadworks
How to stay updated
It’s easy to keep up to date with the Highway Code, and any other future changes, online.
GOV.UK includes a list of the?latest updates?that have been made, so it’s quick and easy to see what has changed. You can also sign up for email alerts whenever the Highway Code is updated.
The Highway Code?on GOV.UK allows you to:
- search for key words and phrases within The Highway Code
- quickly move between related rules
- follow links to the original laws that the rules are based on
- print sections more easily
There’s also an official Highway Code app.
More ways to stay up to date
You can follow @HighwayCodeGB on Facebook to get regular road safety reminders and news of any updates.
Future changes and print editions
Over the coming months we anticipate some further changes to the Highway Code; we will keep you informed of these by email, on GOV.UK and on social media.
We will write to you again with further details about the next, new printed edition of The Official Highway Code in 2022.
Thank you for your support,
Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency
More information
Check GOV.UK for the latest about:
Wychavon District Council Community Development September e-mail Newsletter
The latest edition of the WDC Community Development newsletter contains articles on the Worcester Paint Festival, Pershore’s Craft and Chat Group, the new wellbeing studio delivered via Zoom and much more. The complete newsletter can be downloaded at:
Wychavon Business News – 8th September 2021
Wychavon District Council’s latest Business Newsletter contains information on a range of support for tourism businesses to help them re-open and advance, office space for rent in the Pillar, Wychavon’s new business hub, details of job opportunities across Worcestershire, free specialist start up advice from The Enterprising Worcestershire programme for businesses that are trading business to consumer and much more. You can download the full newsletter at: