Charlton Village in Worcestershire

General News

Local Relief Effort for Ukraine

Dear all,

Many of you will have already been involved in local and national projects to contribute to the relief effort for the people of Ukraine through fundraising and collecting donated items, and will be continuing to do so in these coming days and weeks.

A local initiative that has come to our attention today, is that being organised by Sandfields Farm who have their site at Upper Moor on the Wyre Piddle Bypass. Sandfields Farms employ around 300 Ukrainian workers each season for harvesting salad and vegetable crops in the fields in and around Fladbury, Moor, Charlton and elsewhere in the Vale. The farm is collecting blankets, towels, clothes, non-perishable food, medical and first aid supplies, and nappies and hygiene items. The farm will be pleased to accept any of the above items in good condition before Wednesday 9th March. A lorry will be leaving them on or after the 10th March.

To arrange your drop off between the hours of 8am and 4pm call Sandfield Farm’s office on 01386555054.

Martin Ounsted – Warden of Fladbury Church

Sarah – Priest-in-Charge of the Five Alive Parish

Worcestershire Minerals Local Plan – Update March 2022

We have clarified the present position regarding the Worcestershire Minerals Local Plan (WMLP) with Worcestershire County Council.

It is all very technical – but, in summary we await the Inspectors report and until that is received there will be no further work on the WMLP or the Preferred Options Plan. The latter document is the Plan that identifies sites for future working. Watch this space! 

For more information, read on: 

The Government appointed Inspectors are currently considering the responses to the main modification consultation generated following the Examination in Public (EIP) in November 2020. Receipt of the Inspectors’ report is a fundamental, and the Council can only consider the plan for adoption once this is received. It is hoped this will be in time for this to be considered by the Worcestershire County Council Cabinet in May and for adoption by the Full Council in July this year. Should the Inspector’s report not be received shortly these timescales will need to be altered. 

The Worcestershire County Council Minerals Team also state that they are progressing well towards the “Preferred Options” Mineral Site Allocations Development Plan Document (DPD). However, there are elements which cannot be finalised until they have confirmation of the modifications the Inspectors will be recommending for the Minerals Local Plan, and that the Council intends to adopt it. As long as the planned timescales for this are met the present plan is to consult the public on this second document by the end of September this year. 

Wychavon E-mail News – Support for the People of Ukraine

You can download and read the full text of Wychavon Council’s announcement together with details of organisations collecting and shipping essential items of clothing, toiletries and other emergency supplies here (sorry it’s so long but you can copy and paste into your web browser):

Worcestershire “As One”

Worcestershire organizations including the county and district councils, faith groups, schools, businesses and others are joining forces to help streets across the county to renew their sense of belonging, support and friendliness, as widely experienced in the first Lock-down. 

As part of Worcestershire’s ‘As One’ campaign, the message, ‘Fill your street with friendliness’ has started to be displayed on hundreds of large banners across the county.  From the spring, dozens of local As One events will be put on to help the message take root in each locality.

You can download and read full details of the project including a list of organisations across the County who have already signed up here:

If you’d like to display a banner, or get involved in any other way, please reply ASAP to our Worcestershire As One Coordinator, Rachel Adkins, at  Linking into As One’s social media would also be valuable.  It’s @asoneuk for Facebook and Instagram, @asoneukcampaign for Twitter.

Wychavon Business News

The latest edition of Wychavon District Council’s business e-newsletter is available for download below. This month’s newsletter contains articles on Worcestershire County Council’s Careers and apprenticeships roadshows, advice on reducing energy costs, details of the Elevate Worcestershire business support programme and more.

Download the complete newsletter at:

Have your say on a new political map for Wychavon

The Boundary Commission for England (BCE) is in the process of reviewing Parliamentary constituency boundaries for the existing 650 constituencies for the UK Parliament in England. 

The review process is heavily informed by public consultation and you have the opportunity to express an opinion on the draft recommendations for new wards, ward boundaries, and ward names for proposed by Wychavon District Council.

You can click on the following link to access the Boundary Commission’s website including the portal where you can submit your comments.

Please remember that this consultation closes on 21 March 2022.

Wychavon Business News January 2022

The latest edition of Wychavon District Council’s Business Newsletter contains details of the forthcoming online annual business ratepayers breakfast meeting, updates on some business funding initiatives including how to apply for a grant from the Malvern Hills and Wychavon upskilling project, how to apply to receive up to £2,000 for each new apprentice or other trainee of any age you take on plus many other support packages for your business.

You can download the full e-newsletter here:

Wychavon Community Development email Newsletter – December 2021

You can download the latest edition of this email newsletter below. This month’s edition contains details of the new light projection at the Almonry Museum in Evesham which tells the origin story of Evesham and how the Abbey came to be built there, details of ‘Dick Whittington’ in pantomime at the Henrician during January, Pershore’s Craft and Chat group and much more.

To download the full newsletter click on: