Charlton Village in Worcestershire

General News

Evesham Walking Festival 29th June ~ 3rd July

Evesham Rambling Club are organising a Festival of Walking between Wednesday 29th June to Sunday 3rd July. There is a wide range of walks available to join ranging from “Easy” (usually 5 miles or less with a few stiles and gentle inclines) through “Moderate” (usually more than 5 miles, with some stiles, some steeper inclines and possible muddy or slippery sections) to “Hard (usually more than 10 miles with several inclines and possibly muddy or slippery sections). All walks will be led by members of Evesham Rambling Club, and to help defray costs, there is an online booking fee of £3.00 per person per walk.

You can download full details of all of the walks and how to register to join at:

Wychavon DC Business News – June edition

Wychavon DC has published the latest edition of the Business News e-newsletter. This edition includes details of Business Support Drop-in Clinics at Evesham and Droitwich libraries, extension of the deadline for businesses to apply for upskilling grants and apprentice bursaries, how to apply for the County’s tourism awards, details of the BetaDen technology accelerator programme, and congratulations to Nikki Hollier for her silver medal win at the recent Chelsea Flower Show.

You can download the full newsletter here:

Wychavon Business News – May 2022

The latest edition of Wychavon District Council’s Business News e-newsletter is available for download.

This edition contains details of the extension of the deadline for applications for the business upskilling grant, a webinar on 25th May on the subject of business improvement via the use of digital technology, the Business Worcestershire conference to be held at Sixways stadium on 28th June, and details of how to support the Armed Forces Covenant. There is also a summary of WDC’s proposals for improvements to the town centres in Droitwich, Evesham and Pershore.

You can download the full e-newsletter here:

Wychavon Email News May 2022

The latest edition of Wychavon DC’s email newsletter contains information on the energy bills rebate scheme, the launch of a £150,000 Community Recovery Fund to support community groups and organisations affected by the pandemic, an update on trials to cut carbon emissions by recycling collection vehicles working on behalf of WDC and much more. You can download the full newsletter here:

Have your say on Pershore Town Council’s proposals to turn Broad Street into a “Town Square” and to install fun equipment and a zip wire in Abbey Park

Pershore Town Council is applying for funding from Wychavon District Council’s Community Legacy Grant to enhance Broad Street and also to install some fun equipment in Abbey Park.

The Council is inviting comments, either in favour or in opposition to the proposals, via forms which can either be obtained from the Town Hall, or downloaded using the link below. Completed forms must be returned to the Town Hall by Friday 20th May 2022.

You can read a summary of the proposals and download forms for comment by copying and pasting this link into your browser:

Energy Bills Rebate Payment

The latest edition of Wychavon District Council’s email newsletter focuses on the £150 energy bill rebate payment for households living in a property in Council Tax Bands A to D.

Payments to residents whose bank account details on record with Wychavon District Council – those who pay by Direct Debit – will receive the payment from next week.

If you have not received the payment by 1 June 2022 you should send an email to the address below with the words “Energy Rebate: in the subject line.

If you pay your Council Tax using another method, then you will be able to claim the payment through the Post Office with a special voucher which will be sent to you. These vouchers will be sent to households starting by the end of May.

You can read full details of the scheme, together with advice on how to avoid scams from organisations claiming to represent ‘the council’ and asking asking for your bank details at: