Worcestershire Minerals Local Plan now formally adopted by County Council
Worcestershire County Council formally adopted the Worcestershire Minerals Local Plan (WMLP) at a Cabinet meeting on 14th July 2022.
The Worcestershire Minerals Local Plan is now part of the County’s Development Plan and will be used by Worcestershire County Council’s planning officers and Planning and Regulatory Committee to make decisions about planning applications for mineral extraction, processing and restoration. It will also be used by the City, Borough and District Councils in Worcestershire to ensure other types of development do not sterilise mineral resources or negatively impact mineral infrastructure.
More information about the Minerals Local Plan, its purpose and how it has been developed, can be found on the Council’s website at:
www.worcestershire.gov.uk/minerals [1]
We now await publication of the Development Plan Document (DPD) which will allocate specific sites and preferred areas for mineral development to support the delivery of the WMLP and provide greater certainty about where mineral development will take place. It will be used alongside the Minerals Local Plan to determine planning applications.
South Worcestershire Police – Rural Beat Newsletter, Summer 2022, and details of our Safer Neighbourhood Team
South Worcestershire Police have published the Summer edition of their newsletter, which contains warnings on both trailer and catalytic converter thefts with advice on how to prevent these and other crimes happening to you, plus articles on the Smart Water initiative, the offer of a free farm security survey from NFU Mutual, and much more.
You can download a copy of the newsletter at:
You can also meet our Safer Neighbourhood team below:

River Avon – Fladbury and Surrounding Area
For some time there has been a suspicion that unidentified pollution has been the cause of fish moving away from the river in the local area and may have been responsible for some individuals becoming unwell after contact with the waters from the river.
As a consequence, it may be inadvisable to swim in the river at this time. Those people participating in any activities on the river should be cautious of contact with the water and are advised to wash thoroughly as soon as possible after they exit the water.
The relevant parties including the Environment Agency, Severn Trent, the local authorities and the Parish Councils will be meeting very soon to try and identify the cause and resolve the situation as a matter of urgency.
Activity Clubs for Children during the Summer Holidays
PAL Fitness Education offers activity clubs over holidays for children on low incomes. We have two happening this summer in Pershore & Evesham (click on the links below for further details):
Evesham : Bengeworth CE Academy – Holiday Camp.pdf
Pershore : Abbey Park School – Holiday Camp.pdf
In addition, we are always looking for volunteers to help with preparation of food, to escort children to the cinema, on trips, or just help in general.
For more into, please call Sue Bentley on 07789 408180.
Read the July Edition of Pershore Times for Free
Pershore Times is an e-newspaper published online each month. You can download and read the July edition at:
http://www.pershoretimes.co.uk/index_htm_files/Current Month.pdf
This month’s edition contains articles on The Small Change Big Difference campaign, which aims to improve the lives of those on the streets or at risk of ending up there, the visit of the Princess Royal to the RHS Malvern Spring Festival and her conversation with members of Pershore College about the design and inspiration behind their garden, summer gardening tips, helpful advice for first time landlords, the return of Pershore’s River Festival and much more.
You can also sign up to receive the Pershore Times in your inbox every month by visiting:
and entering your details.
Fladbury Kitty – Our new Vicar
I think this speaks for itself!

You can download the original at:
Roadworks on Main Street, Cropthorne between 30th June ~ 4th July
Airband Community Internet will be carrying out work on Main Street Cropthorne between Thursday 30th June ~ Monday 4th July. There will be a “Give and Take” system of traffic control and no major delays are anticipated.

Fladbury KIT – July 2022
This month’s edition includes details of forthcoming events including the Walkabout and Fun Run, Village clubs, Church news and services and much more. You can download the full newsletter here:
Fladbury Walkabout – 2nd & 3rd July 2022

Fladbury Walkabout returns on Saturday 2nd and Sunday 3rd July 2022 from 11:00am to 5:00pm each day. Attractions will include a flower festival in the church and more than 20 open gardens, together with live music, classic cars, market stalls, live music, morris dancing, boat trips and much more.
Road Closure in Cropthorne, Wednesday 29th June
Openreach will be carrying out work in Blacksmiths Lane, Cropthorne on Wednesday 29th June. As a consequence, the road will be closed all day.