Joseph Baker Workman Trust 2020 AGM Minutes
Minutes of the Management Meeting
Zoom Meeting
Tuesday 24th November 2020
1. Present: Nigel Cates; Julian Hawley; Emily Hall-Roberts; Diane Barlow; Vicky Morris; Paul Lees; Rob Hiscocks; Wendy Sharpe
Apologies: Mary Gisborne
2. Actions from Management Meeting of 21st July 2020
• Parish Council report attached
• Paul has passed information to Nigel
• Wendy outlined the changes that would need to be made regarding charitable status. She will summarise these for members and also consult with Community First.
• Discussion ensued regarding personal liability and current insurance.
• Diane to provide Wendy with contact details for Community First.
The minutes were agreed.
3. (a) (b) Reports from Chairman and Treasurer were given in AGM.
(c) There will be single usage of the building by preschool until circumstances change.
Scouts will be re-evaluating their position in February.
Vicky expressed concerns regarding cleaning and movement of equipment after covid-19 situation. She also asked what the projected income would be for 2020/21. I.e. is preschool income level with current expenditure.
Julian responded that it should cover under the circumstances and that there are reserves if expenditure exceeds income.
(d) New room has been completed. Only maintenance to date has been the run off into a drain. Julian has cleared this though a ceramic piece requires replacement. Drain is now flowing.
A light is required at the end of the new build. Nigel has discussed this with scouts and will carry out the fixing to wall.
Vicky has some concerns regarding the state of the underlay at the entrance however this is to be replaced in Phase 2.
Using gravel to fill shallow areas has mainly worked but washes away after heavy rain.
Nigel has moved the bins. Vicky will see to the removal of the BBQ.
One green bin has a damaged wheel. Julian will look into this.
Rob expressed concerns over the placement of the calor gas cylinders. This will be addressed in Phase 2 plans.
Preschool New signage has been put up for parents bringing children to sessions.
Numbers are limited and currently 17 rising to 25 after Christmas then 30.
Scouts Meetings are taking place on Zoom with lower numbers
Finances have been hit by reduction in numbers
Nationally the Scouting Association is having financial problems.
Church The church is open 1 day a week for private prayer.
Trees in the community garden have been removed.
Plans to have a Christmas Service in December with limited numbers.
Parish Council
The Parish Council has discussed the Legacy Grant and an initial submission is to be made by 5th December. If this is approved the deadline for the next stage is 5th March 2021.The Parish Council are impressed by the work already achieved and thanks the Workman Trust for its efforts.
Julian and Nigel have met with members of the Parish Council. They were encouraged to increase the amount to be applied for to £71638 which would include the new build, driveway,
20% contingency fund, 20% architects fees. £9000 for furnishings to be raised by the trusts fund raising activities. Roger Davies and Richard Sims have been very helpful with the submission.
Copies of the items for submission are attached.
If the submission is approved the PC will go to the community via a questionnaire to gain a majority approval from villagers,
Emily was asked to pass on the thanks of the committee to the Parish Council.
The members of the committee voted that this submission should go ahead.
Date for next Meeting: Tuesday 19th January 2021
Since the meeting a new document regarding safeguarding has been sent from Community First and circulated to the committee members.