Results from “20’s Plenty for Us” Village Survey
Survey forms were delivered to every household in Charlton during September, some 250 houses.
48 responses were received (19% of all houses in the Village)
28 responses were in favour of a 20MPH limit throughout Charlton
12 responses were in favour of a 20MPH limit on The Strand, The Green and Canada Bank (the main route used by through traffic)
6 responses favoured no change to the current 30MPH limit throughout the Village
2 respondents spoiled their survey forms
Thus, 83% of all respondents favoured a reduction in the current 30MPH limit
As a consequence of these results, members of Charlton Parish Council passed a resolution at the council meeting on 10th November to petition Worcestershire County Council to pass an order reducing the speed limit in the Village to 30MPH. A letter has been sent to Councillor Mike Rouse, Cabinet Member with Responsibility for Highways & Transport with this request.
If anyone wishes to reinforce this request you can write directly to Councillor Rouse, his email address is:
You could also write to our County Councillor, Elizabeth Eyre, to express your support at: