Forthcoming church services in the Parish:

Blessing of the Lychgate
On Tuesday 11th October, the new Lychgate was blessed by Revd. Canon Sarah Dangerfield, Priest in Charge of the Five Alive Parish. The ceremony was attended by several Villagers and Church members, representatives of the Parish council and Tony Cooke, representing Snape Construction who were responsible for the construction of the new structure.

Church Latest Update
Charlton Church is now open every day from 10:00am – 4:00pm for individual private prayer (with Covid-19 safety measures in place).
The next morning worship in Charlton Church will be held on Mothering Sunday, 19th March 2023 at 9:30am.
We respectfully request that face masks are worn when attending church services, and that some form of social distancing is offered to others.
For all news on Church matters please click on the following link:
Reverend Sarah to become an Honorary Canon
We are delighted to give you the good news that the Bishop has invited Sarah to be an Honorary Canon of Worcester Cathedral. This is richly deserved in recognition of her work, not only in the two parishes of Five Alive and Bishampton with Throckmorton, but also with the four benefices to which she was originally licensed, and as Rural Dean of Pershore, and now Area Dean of the new large Pershore & Evesham Deanery.
Sarah’s Installation will be on Saturday 12th March at 5.30pm Evensong at the Cathedral. We hope that as many of you as possible will be there to support her on this important and happy occasion.
Congratulations Canon Sarah!